It’s Time For The Left To Deal With The Excesses Of The Trans Movement – IOTW Report

It’s Time For The Left To Deal With The Excesses Of The Trans Movement


For five years, the left has laughed off conservative concerns with the trans movement. That has to stop now that women are being forced to wax testicles.

One of the first articles I ever wrote about the transgender movement was in 2014, when I argued that the Chicago Tribune was wrong to retract Kevin Williamson article in which he stated that trans women are in fact men. This particular trans-identifying man was actor Laverne Cox, and pulling the plug on Williamson’s sensible column was an early salvo in a fight that has gone on now for five years.

At that time, most of the blowback I received from the left had to do with minding my own business. What did it matter to me, this early line of argument went, if men become women or women become men? Why couldn’t I just live and let live? It was such a tiny group of people, after all. Why was this such a big deal?

In response, I began to argue that if society allowed this monumental change to the very nature of sex and gender, then there would be policy implications. I talked about women’s sports, set-aside programs for women-owned businesses, and women’s-only spaces. Shortly thereafter, the bathroom wars began.

Once again, the answer from the left was basically, who cares? It’s a bathroom, what’s the big deal? Why does it matter who is in the stall next to you? Then came locker rooms, and once again the left rolled its eyes and told conservatives not to be such nervous prudes.

Sometime after that, the question of sports came to the fore. Biological men were knocking out biological women in MMA fights; high school girls were losing state championships to high school boys. Unfair? Maybe, but the left insisted that the higher priority was making sure that marginalized and vulnerable trans athletes were recognized as women and that their lived truth be respected.

While all of this was going on in the United States, Jordan Peterson was rising to fame primarily as the professor who refused to be compelled to use transgender pronouns, whether by the university where he taught or the Canadian government. Once again the left came to the defense of the radical trans movement arguing that Peterson was putting his precious free speech rights above the safety of trans people disproportionately affected by suicide and murder.
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18 Comments on It’s Time For The Left To Deal With The Excesses Of The Trans Movement

  1. They can’t. The right to engage in everything from whining to attempted public seduction of girls to wanton personal destruction is now established for every mentally ill cross dresser, especially in Canada.

  2. I wish a Nurse Ratchet type would give the hair removal treatment to this dude’s “lady parts”.
    – Is that where they use tape to rip the hair out?
    I bet a solid nickel he actually will scream like a little girl.

  3. I have a conservative Trump-supporting friend who is an oral surgeon. Because she is gay she gets a lot of transexual clients whom she engages in conversation. They all tell her they do not want to be singled out for attention and they are all against what’s happening with the lawsuits, etc. This “movement” is being organized by the top down and has other motives, most likely divide and conquer, destroying the family, and a general psy ops against conservatives.

  4. Why couldn’t I just live and let live? It was such a tiny group of people, after all. Why was this such a big deal?

    They made it a big deal on purpose, and it’s only collateral damage as far as they are concerned. The big deal is they are a gateway for freaks like this, which I find to be a very big deal. I don’t know if it’s been linked here before, but Good Lord, this guy shouldn’t even be let out of an institution. He’s an unstable attention-whoring predator of young girls, and he’s not the only whack-job who is hiding behind the cover the left provides.

    Seriously. He’s a hazard.

    P.S. These so-called trans are very very seldom actual transitioned. They’re most of they time guys who get off on dressing up in women’s clothes and makeup. Used to be in the Diagnostic manuals as such. Maybe for a reason, considering.

  5. Just two nights ago Jessica Yaniv was supposed to appear before my township council to get approval for the LBGTQ§£¥^? crowd to private topless swim parties at all of the township pools for anyone 12 and over, no parents or caregivers allowed.

    It did not show up so it was postponed until September.

  6. Let them create their own country of Butfuckistan and populate and re-populate it themselves.

    I bet they won`t need birth control.

    The Chinese have built their own man made island, why can`t they

  7. The left doesn’t care, they love this chaos and offending the heartland full of everyday deplorable Americans that elected Trump, When these cases get in front of liberal judges some women will be forced to comply or go broke fighting like the CO cake baker and all the others the gleefully put out of business.

  8. @ RadioMattM, you’re in Canada and you are mandated to refer to Jonathan as Jessica, else the literal speech police will come knocking?

    There’s a lot to recommend in Canada. I think the western provinces are particularly beautiful. Compelled speech is not. That is shameful of them. Disgusting, really.

  9. I’m so sick and tired of these commie fux that aren’t sure if they should squat to pee or not! I think they all should be institutionalized, with NO tax payer funding for their illness.

  10. @ TheMule,
    I understand that the muzzies don’t tolerate homos, but trannies are not considered homos and are safe.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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