It’s time to Disarm and Defund the Green Globalists! – IOTW Report

It’s time to Disarm and Defund the Green Globalists!



[…] In the global Climate Wars, Trump and Brexit have given us a victory of Waterloo dimensions. But this will be only a temporary setback for the Green Globalists unless they are now ruthlessly disarmed and de-funded. If we rest and relax, we will soon be ground under their green sandals again.
We must immediately deny them funds, tax shelters, manpower and legal support.
Not a cent more for climate conferences – send just one representative whose only power is to “vote no to everything”.  more here

10 Comments on It’s time to Disarm and Defund the Green Globalists!

  1. It has to go further than the article states. We need prosecutions, including executions. We need every green 501C investigated. A lot of them have likely violated their charter. All need to be gutted if possible, and their principles thrown in prison. Then, severely limit the use of 501Cs.

  2. @ Anonymous

    Thank you for posting the video. It is really interesting. Now if it will only convince my oldest grandson that he’s been sold lies.

    @ MJA

    TY and I am so happy you brought up the topic.

  3. Drag that army of GreeNazis out in to the “hottest year ever” sunlight and AlGore them with a silver stake through the heart of their EcoCult.
    Then, give us our toilets, light bulbs, muscle cars, oil paint, etc etc back.

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