It’s Time to Go Offensive – IOTW Report

25 Comments on It’s Time to Go Offensive

  1. Truce???? Fuck a truce. All that’s gonna do is give them a little time to “program some more idiots” and re-load. Pave their asses into the asphalt!

    These demons are like the Chinese in a trade deal; they’ll start cheating before the ink is dry on the agreement.

  2. When you consider the state of our educational system things are much worse than portrayed in the article.
    I read a comment on another blog the other day suggesting we change the name of the “Silent Majority” to the “Spineless Majority”. I couldn’t agree more.

  3. Have to fight dirty. Comb through their twitter accounts looking for lefty trigger words, call advertisers and companies and demand they stop promoting and selling Nike products because they use slave labor in China (and mention the Uighers being treated like the Jews were in the Holocaust)

    Be ruthless just short of burning down buildings and whipping people’s asses.

    If a civil war comes, then, by any means necessary, right?
    Yeah. That’s right. But try the above before we have to shed blood.
    I’d rather their wallets bleed for a while first to get them dizzy.

  4. Look at what they have accomplished with riots…Police defunding, Police as vile killers, massive amounts of economic destruction and the jobs that went with it, lessons taught that you may own a gun but you had better not let it be seen or used, Art and History destroyed to be replaced one day with representations of George Floyd and Al Sharpton, communists and excrement on a cross etc etc…the worst may be the new city efforts to deflect general funds and police funds solely into poor neighborhoods as a ruse for theft and corruption not reparations so that will always be a promise on the table. Whites will suffer tax burdens due to this and receive nothing from the city..I am an old man, but I stand, well sit, ready to fight this Leftist destruction of a great country. My body no longer works well so a gun is not an equalizer but gets me into the game.

  5. …we can’t snipe and hide behind police like they do.

    Once WE start shooting, we can’t STOP until they are ALL dead, or WE are.

    …just the way it is…

  6. I agree with Andrew’s dad. They don’t want a truce so why should we?

    Everyone expects people on the right to fight by Marquis of Queensberry rules while they kick us in the crotch. I read some comments on Twitter about the NYT doxxing Tucker Carlson. When some people said that we ought to dox people at the NYT, others came and said “That wouldn’t be nice and we should not lower ourselves to their level.” What, is it better to get your ass kicked and convince yourself you are a nice guy (because they would never say that about you) than actually win with dirty hands?

    Considering that the left likes to eat it’s own, we may as well help them set the table. Let’s use their tactics and cram their own actions down their throats.

  7. It will all work out in the end because injustice of the type the leftists promote will wind up digging a hole for themselves. The lockdowns and the blm/antifa riots for example. They’re destroying their own cities more than they are hurting us. I try to remember that. (even though it is difficult)

  8. So, we try one more time at the ballot box (IF we’re lucky).

    If that doesn’t work, we either:

    (a) Shut it down and do an Article V.


    (b) Blow heads off.

    Of course, it’s possible that (a) leads to (b).

    Any way you cut it, the current ‘epoch’ is about to end.

  9. Been there, done that

    SPOKANE, Wash. – Dan Hasty doesn’t believe Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States, deserves to have schools named in his honor because of Wilson’s stated views on race.

    I, and I alone (according to Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle and other Democrat run school districts who have claimed that no one else has ever made such a request), have been applying the Democrat’s own standard to their hero Woodrow Wilson. No one but me, especially the two establishment Republican Seattle radio stations that claim to be conservative, has done a thing.

    I have been doing this for well over a decade now.

  10. I’ll agree to a truce when I feel like I’ve gotten even with these scumbags for all the destruction and harm they’ve brought to innocent people. What that looks like in reality is a large drop in the unemployment numbers from the many it’ll take to build their coffins. And then only maybe.

  11. I think they all should be doxed, most likely their parent’s basement. Go visit the parents and say “If we see your spoiled child at another riot, we will be back to burn your house the next day!” See how that works out.

  12. I just was reading this same argument on FB. A guy showed a FB post and tweet by a teacher in a small town in our state. First was a Nazi symbol with NRA, Trump, Trump supporters and police on it with a comment that these people are pulling kids off the streets. The other was defund the police and give that money to BLM.
    People rightly so started providing names of the school board with contact info and sharing it everywhere so those parents could know what was teaching their children.
    Then some idiot comments that we shouldn’t be like them, he has a 1st amendment right to his comments outside of work, don’t try to get him fired or we’re no better than the other side. To hell with that stupid shit, it’s against the law to beat the hell out of him, so the next best step is to get him out of the school and make sure he’s never allowed around kids again.

  13. Their motto is “the ends justify the means”.
    What does that tell you?
    It tells me that there is nothing they will not do, as horrible as anything imaginable, to get their impossible “utopia”. They have proven it time and time again.
    Our leaders called a “truce” after WW2, the cold war, vietnam, etc.
    This time there is no “truce”. For the world to survive (and hopefully flourish) the left must be CRUSHED!

  14. MJA, have you ever noticed though they sure can attack us for not going along, but then get their panties in a twist when we fight against the other side. I think that makes them madder than us fighting them.

    I know I got sick of hearing, but Trump says hurtful things, Trump is crude, Trump calls women names, Trump is childish for giving nicknames, etc.

  15. This is the second link today that leads to a website that wants you to sign up for their newsletter in order to read the article.
    I get enough junk in my email box. I don’t sign up for newsletters.

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