It’s time to leave Earth – Part II – IOTW Report

It’s time to leave Earth – Part II

19 Comments on It’s time to leave Earth – Part II

  1. I didn’t read Part I of this so I was expecting some kind of space topic, like, are we ready to design a ship and get off this rock?

    Only to be disappointed with that video with what I already knew every time I drive down the highway, or watch the news, or, read the Internet.

    And yet, I meet and talk with complete strangers in the supermarket who are obviously fantastic people.

    Our population now has such a wide spectrum of IQ’s, experiences and abilities to grasp reality. And our technologies have allowed marginal people to thrive when they wouldn’t have centuries ago. So, I plod along hoping to only encounter fantastic people in the supermarket and then I get on the highway and get forced to observe the idiots in their automobiles!

  2. I’m for pre-Trib Rapture so, yeah, it’s time to leave earth. Fill those lamps and preach salvation through Christ, friends. No bags to pack and no worries about whether you left the iron on!

  3. …I do not want ANY of my IOTW family to come back here at some point and type: “AbigailAdams was right again! I should have listened!” So if you’re feeling lukewarm about your relationship with Christ, figure things out and renew your commitment.

    As our wonderful Mary Hatch always writes: God bless us all!

  4. …I put this up periodically when it seems appropriate. This is my take on how we got here.

    Its time.

    Stupid vs. Smart was in rough balance for centuries because, even though there’s a LOT more Stupid than there is Smart, stupid tended to die quicker and more frequently as a result of being stupid, but also bred quicker because stupid doesn’t consider consequences or responsibilities. Dying more also kept Stupid from overwhelming Smart by sheer numbers.

    Then Smart did something really Stupid.

    Smart started looking at how and why Stupid was dying, and started moving to address those causes. The Great Nerfing started where cars were rounded on the outside for Stupid pedestrian safety and given a blimp on the inside for Stupid driver safety, machinery with obvious hazards were supplied with guards and automatic cutoffs so it would stop if Stupid reached into it, GFCIs were invented in case Stupid wanted toast in the bathtub, handrails were put on EVERYTHING so Stupid wouldn’t fall when they were dancing to their headphones on the stairs, guns were given safeties to make it less likely Stupid would shoot their peckers off when they shoved it down their pants, rat poisons were given pictogram warnings against drinking and eating them, food was delivered by planeloads to Stupid to protect them from stupid agricultural policies, even bullets were packaged with cautions against lead poisoning…the list is endless.

    Smart then started being lawyers for Stupid so every time Stupid was injured doing something stupid, Smart would not only make it profitable for them so they could make MORE Stupid, but ALSO forced other Smart to make it harder for Stupid to hurt themselves stupidly in the first place and to force Smart to allow importation of Stupid from Stupid lands into Smart ones, then Smart developed medical and surgical techniques to save Stupid when Stupid stupidly injured itself, even gave Stupid Viagra and artificial insemination so even MORE Stupid was possible.

    And as the world got stupider, Smart pulled back on having children, considering how the world was becoming a place they didn’t want to have children IN because of all the Stupid, and also that they were working overtime to protect Stupid and so were too tired to talk other Smart into sex later, so it became easier just to have sex with Stupid. Genetics always favors Stupid as a dominant because that’s how the system was originally set up, so Smart+Stupid=Stupid in all but rare cases when Stupid had a recessive Smart gene as well.

    Meanwhile, deliberate attempts were going on worldwide, most notably in Islam, to use inbreeding to produce a VERY Stupid and violent population that could be easy to rule, so Stupid was now being manufactured in job lots as a tool to beat Smart down with endless cannon fodder.

    All of this in modern times, after 100 years of Nerfing, decades of modern medicine, and centuries of of inbreeding finally produced a tipping point of people stupid enough to vote Democrat, so here we are, trying to push the floodgates of civilization closed yet one more time against the howling seas of the violent and the ignorant that are too stupid to even realize that our destruction will bring theirs as well. Ask Zimbabwe, Haiti, and South Africa how that works. But even as we push against that sea, Democrats stand at the wall spraying fire houses into it to make it even BIGGER, on the mistaken assumption that they are Posideon and will rule that sea once it overwhelms US.

    And it will.

    We may be able to stave the flood tide off for one more generation, but as we also continue to preserve and augment it, it WILL, eventually, but as certainly as the tides will rise, destroy us by sheer weight of numbers. Absent a war or an act of God to sharply reduce their numbers…it WILL happen.

    Then they will die back to Stone Age levels without Smart to feed them, bind their wounds, or bury their bodies.

    This is the weapon the Democrats wield.


    Are there yet enough Smart to counter it?

    …we shall soon see…

  5. SNS – a great explanation. I have long said that intelligence is not a bell shaped curve but you explained how that happened so well.

    I wonder when the left gets it wish and the US becomes a third world hellhole, who will the world turn to when Uncle Sucker can no longer bail them out – China?

  6. SNS,

    BRAVO. 👏 Seriously. I hope you will become an author, you could make that a passage in a book called “Stupid”.

    Thing is, you’d have to find a publishing company that isn’t.

    Thanks. I needed that. 👍

  7. @AbigailAdams & Vixen
    Do you believe that every word Jesus spoke was important and had consequences? Do you believe that He ever spoke flippantly?

    If you answered, “Yes” and “No” then contemplate “and all were destroyed” in both Noah’s and Lot’s day after the separation (Luke 17:26-39). Jesus then said that it would be “the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed.” i.e. all will be destroyed after the separation which is also called the Rapture.

    Now reconcile that with Revelation 7:9-17. A great multitude appears in Heaven that come out of the Great Tribulation.

    The only way to reconcile those two scriptures is that the Rapture occurs immediately after the Great Tribulation which is cut short (Matt 24:22) by Jesus when He comes to rapture His followers and pour out God’s wrath on all (as in ALL) who are left behind.

    Christians tend to “poo-poo” the idea of God’s wrath in its timing and severity. People do not get saved during God’s wrath. God waits until the last possible minute to expend His wrath because it is so extreme in its punishment. The Bible says in Rev 16:9,11 that the those who experience God’s wrath do NOT repent.

    How many accountable Israelites (20 years and older) who rejected God’s offer of the Promised Land went into the Promised Land? Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Only two who BELIEVED God would deliver the Promised Land into the Israelites’ hands went into the Promised Land. The rest did not get a second chance-they died in the desert. It will be the same way after the Rapture-no second chance.

    If anyone has questions and/or comments email me @ I will read and respond.

  8. @1Harpazo, Thank you for commenting on the Rapture, Rapturo, Harpazo.

    I’d love to engage with you in this discussion but right now I am experiencing a distressing illness that packs an enormous and on-going headache, so my keyboard time is very limited.

    In answer to your question: Yes, everything Jesus uttered was profound. Everything. As goes the song, “No syllable empty or void.”

    I’ve deeply considered all the scriptural passages related to the Rapture event and consulted the Holy Spirit. The important part is that we seek redemption no matter when it may occur. I know you agree with that. We must also be ready at any time to give the reason for our hope, which is in Christ and that our salvation comes from him by grace, through faith and not by works so that no one may boast.

    God Bless.

  9. For AbigailAdams’ healing

    Father God give AbigailAdams a gift of healing to cure that illness that causes severe headaches. I ask in Jesus’ Name. Let it be so.


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