It’s Time to scrap Daylight Savings Time – IOTW Report

It’s Time to scrap Daylight Savings Time

AT: With the annual “spring forward” setting of clocks this weekend, it’s natural to wonder about the value of this exercise, dated as it is from the Jimmy Carter era of wearing sweaters, driving 55, and small is beautiful.  We turn our clocks to Daylight Savings Time for the same reason as the other stuff: to save energy.

Because, you see, oil is running out.  Remember peak oil?

According to Investor’s Business Daily:

The main reason for imposing daylight saving time has always been that it “saved” energy, since it would stay light an hour longer in the evening. The U.S. extended daylight saving time in 2007, as part of President Bush’s woefully misguided energy bill – which also banned traditional incandescent light bulbs – specifically because it was supposed to cut the nation’s energy consumption.

You get the idea of how stupid this is – not as bad as the green-energy global-warming juggernaut of the Obama years, but something that costs us all the same and, for that, in need of a good hosing.  more here

48 Comments on It’s Time to scrap Daylight Savings Time

  1. I agree 100%. Was having a discussion about this and someone mentioned that one of the reasons to keep DST is so that kids don’t have to walk to the bus/school in the dark.

    Must be a better fix to that than to mess up most of the country twice a year.

  2. Yeah, I’m tired of my watch and car radio only being right for half the year. Save me the energy of doing math cuz I’m damn sure not going to change my watch and car radio time only to have to change it again. Nuts to that!

  3. I agree with Bongo keep daylights saving time for all year long, 12 months a year…..and then it won’t be daylights saving time anymore….it will be normal…

  4. You can’t, you see, because this was an innovation of Woody Wilson and the Great Progressive (Socialist) Movement (much akin to a Bowel Movement) just as was the Income Tax and to reject it would be tantamount to rejecting the whole idea of being a slave to the FedGov rather than to the idea of what our country was founded upon – that the Government is subject to the Governed.

    The bastardy in the FedGov takes a simple, puerile delight in the notion that, at a whim, 360 Million Subjects must change their clocks, twice a year – to absolutely no purpose, whatsoever. As one wag wrote here, just change it by 30 minutes ONCE and be done with the foolishness. But no, the bureaucrats must exercise their control in another petty sham.

    Liberty has died through the “Death of a Thousand Cuts” – and this is just one of them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I adore DST, the extra light in the summer evening for a drink on the west porch, watching the fireflies, just starting after nine pm, listening to the peepers…. …..time to relax and really watch the sun set.

    I want to keep it. …..Lady in Red

  6. The time zones need to be redone too.
    Between Eastern and Central time especially.
    Louisville is in Eastern time zone yet Longitudinally in line with many Central time zones. It gets dark at 10 PM in the Summer.
    Indianapolis doesn’t change, or the didn’t use to.
    The Florida Panhandle is Central time.
    Arizona is off too.

  7. The old Indian (feather not spot) meme: “Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”

    I personally have never understood the lunacy, and since my baby boy has to catch the skrewl bus at 06:30, It is dark during the winter anyway.

    Either way I do not shive a git, just some more ludicrous hoops to jump through.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. I want to keep it and wouldn’t mind if we went on DST permanently, so that we don’t have to keep changing our clocks. Like Lady in Red, I relish the longer daylight in the summer. When the dishes are done, it is great to be able to sit on the porch swing and sip a Chardonnay, while all the neighborhood kids get in one more hour of outdoor play before bath- and bedtime. It creates an extra way to wind down the day.

  9. I prefer my light in the morning and to actually have it dark in the evening, especially around the 4th of July. I hate when it’s still twilight at 10:00 pm, still waiting for the fireworks to start.

    Then there are all the additional traffic accidents from people who can’t afford to be robbed an hour of sleep. Are the crashes and injuries really worth it?

  10. OMG is this a big whine fest or what.
    I was a BIG hater of the incandescent ban but
    I have to admit now, that the LED is an awesome
    technology and huge savings being able to run
    4 or 6 LED’s to 1 incandescent on the same power.
    Plus the light is better with variable options
    not available before.

  11. I have no problem with DST. It makes living at a higher latitude more enjoyable. I don’t know many, save Indiana dairy farmers, who want to see the dawn at 4 am. I do have a problem with Congress (blame “W” for signing it) extending it a few years back, because carbon is evil.

    The original DST dates were carefully chosen to have the greatest benefit with the least negative impact. Politicians are idiots, so along with banning incandescent bulbs, they decided that adding four weeks to DST was a slam dunk. There is now a surge in auto-pedestrian and auto-bicycle accidents every Spring as drivers conditioned to brighter morning commutes are suddenly plunged back into darkness.

  12. I was in a ragged line when a friendly one asked which way the clocks went this Spring. I replied that we “spring forward” and “fall back” whereupon a freaking female snowflake looked at me like I’d just pulled her breasts.
    No speech is safe when those people are around.

  13. Get rid of DST please. I would love to have the sun rise by 3:30 to 4 AM in the morning in the summer especially with all the driving I do in the middle of the night. The sun will still set after 8 PM in the Summer so I don’t see what the big deal is. The only advantage to it now that Winter (is hopefully over finally) is that the Sun will set at nearly 7 pm tomorrow. Woohoo, I can live with that but would still prefer to ditch DST for good, the sooner the better.

  14. We were fortunate enough to live in Arizona and Hawaii and it was great not having to worry about the stupid clocks (in all fairness, the Hawaiians don’t worry about time anyway). I would like to leave it at DST but if it is heartburn then if I were in charge–I would order all clocks back 30 minutes in November and leave it. Obviously, I realize this will never happen!

  15. Daylight Saving Time year-round. One last change and that’s it.
    The last change to the calendar was supposed to be followed with a report to Congress on the expected savings. Doubt there was any. Never saw the report. Anyway, with DST 8 months of the year, that has become ‘normal’.

  16. Daylight savings is unhealthy for us, it’s completly unnatural !
    Most gardners understand this as they watch nature blend & suddenly everything just feels wrong. The East coast may differ from frost.

  17. About 1960 I was working in the sticks of Missouri and had a conversation with an old lady that was upset that the government was screwing around with Gods time. Then I watched a space launch on the new fangled contraption called a TV at an old couples house and they were very concerned about punching a hole in the sky. Good times…good times..

  18. It’s fucking lunacy.
    If you want more time in the morning, or in the evening – just take it!
    Who gives a fuck if you call it 6 AM or 5 AM?

    This is nothing more than gov’t overreach. There is NOTHING in the Constitution about the FedGov playing God with the clock – and if the Constitution is silent, whatever it’s silent about is NOT ALLOWED (thus was the reasoning behind the repudiation of the Acts of Secession and the cause of the Civil War).

    izlamo delenda est …

  19. I hate DST and wish it was abolished. I hate it more every year. the adjustments in spring and fall suck. Also what happened to 3 mos/yr of DST, damn now it’s 7-8 months. Scrap it

  20. What is the Government going to do with all the daylight they’re saving, anyway? I mean, they’ve got countless warehouses full of the stuff already, and they can’t afford to let it out because – boom! – instant global warming.

  21. this is an example of the old Marxist economics. “Forced Consumption” aka “the Broken Window”. FDR proposed it many times, but failed. JFK proposed it – it never got a vote before 11/63 – It was (Like Medicare) passed after his death “in his honor”. The last progressive to expand this Marxist policy in America – was? Hint ’05

    This is a perfect example of Uncle Joe” “Some are more equal than others”. People who have to go to work in the Spring and Sumner must turn on the lights to see. For decades I traded electric Co. stocks based on this. For most electic cos sales would increase 5% a month from Apr to Oct; and then drop. Buy the stocks in Feb, sell in Sep. You dont make a lot but you do profit. Some Cos like Con ED and SoCalEd would sometimes see their sales go up over 10% because of DST>

    Of course those forced to NEEDLESSLY buy electricity were hurt. And they outnumbered me thousands to 1. But I was “more equal”.

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