“Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”
Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):
A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:
* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or … MORE
Let’s not stop at Mayors. If you’re gonna go, go ALL OUT! Sweep all branches of government!
A class action under RICO sounds about right. One theory of harm to the class, citizens, and a basis for an injumction, could be based on illegal use of public funds. Anyone have a brother-in-law lawyer looking to make some money and a name for himself?
While they are at it, they can indict our lesbian, America-hating governor, Kate Brown, for making Oregon a sanctuary state.
Just so you know, that’s a Governor you have in your graphic. A piece of shit, but no less not a mayor.
It’s time.
OHHH, the mere suggestion that DeBlasio could be incarcerated… DON’T TEASE ME LIKE THIS.
Then move on to the communist city
councils who aid and abet the practice.
Hi everyone, you need to study up on immigration law. Go to the Cornell University law site and look up this section:
Then go to USCIS’ website and look up the 1952 Walter McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act
Then read up on Title 8 (Immigration and Nationality)
This is what you need to study in order to debate a libtard on immigration.
California’s Illustrious idiot, Kevin DeLeon freely admitted on national tv that half of his family was indeed here illegally.
Where’s the charges, and where’s the indictment of Jerry Brown for not filing those charges?
Put the screws to these allholes poste haste.
Maybe instead of spending all their money for welfare, schools, hospitals, and other goodies for illegals, they should have spent it on dam maintenance and upgrades? The CA State Water Project was driven largely by moonbeam’s father Pat Brown. The old man used a great deal of creative accounting to make the numbers work, and he stated that ‘he wanted the project to be a monument to me.’ How ironic it would be if this monument comes crashing down on moonbeam’s watch.
Its not like they can get anymore stirred up, lets lay down the law now. Enough of this lawless bullshit.
How about some Republican congressmen and senators?
If someone would just beat down Jerry Brown with a sock full of nickels I would call it even.
Use Brown as fill for the Oroville dam breach. Make him a real part of CA.
Say what you want about Governor Moonbeam, but he knows what it’s like to sleep with a young Linda Ronstadt.
wink wink nudge nudge
juss sayin. heh.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
All immigration criminals who use somebody else’s Social Security number, driver license, etc. is also identity thieves. Do they get a pass on that crime, too?
Kinda funny – a guy named Brown turns CA into shit…
sue the fuck out of them personally