It’s Trump’s Fault! Bank Fraud Bernie Blames FBI Investigation On Trump Campaign – IOTW Report

It’s Trump’s Fault! Bank Fraud Bernie Blames FBI Investigation On Trump Campaign

Bernie Sanders joins the ranks of the Dindu Nuffins.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is blaming the ongoing FBI investigation in to his wife’s fraudulent $10 million bank loan on the Trump campaign and other republicans, claiming the Republican National Committee is “very excited” about Sanders’ scandal, reports Fox News.

Speaking with CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ over the weekend, the socialist lawmaker blasted the investigation, saying the probe was launched by a senior Trump campaign advisor solely for political purposes.

“I know this will shock the viewers. The vice-chairman of the Vermont Republican Party who happened to be Donald Trump’s campaign manager raised this issue and initiated this investigation,” said Sanders. “What you’re looking at is something that [the] Republican National Committee is very excited about.”

Bernie vehemently denies any wrongdoing by him –or his wife Jill- in obtaining the multimillion dollar business loan, calling the allegations “pathetic.”

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10 Comments on It’s Trump’s Fault! Bank Fraud Bernie Blames FBI Investigation On Trump Campaign

  1. Guess that rumpled suit and poor hygiene isn’t fooling everyone into thinking you’re just a poor guy out to help the down trodden. Both you and your skanky wife are greedy scum.

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