It’s Wrong, But I Can’t Stop Laughing – IOTW Report

It’s Wrong, But I Can’t Stop Laughing

‘Stop sticking googly eyes on sculptures.’
– US city tells residents.

h/t Heaux.

My idea. lol I hope someone does it.

19 Comments on It’s Wrong, But I Can’t Stop Laughing

  1. It may be wrong, but It’s! So! Funny!

    So maybe the Bend city council could come up with some alternatives for the eyes. Runner bands, pipe cleaner hooks……..Otherwise, be prepared to continue shell out a small portion of the city budget on cleanup.
    (wadda bunch’a humorless wankers)

  2. That’s great.
    Makes me start thinking of all the metal art statues along our local Riverwalk.
    I have been growing bored with it as it never changes except for a hat, scarf of sunglasses on occasions.
    This is better.

  3. $1,500.00 to remove googly eyes. I call bullshit! They must be calculating the expense of sending out a crew of 6 overweight city workers, plus a supervisor and a safety officer.

  4. “Art” paid for by the citizens who weren’t invited to the committee that chose the “art” (or the “artists”). There is little of this so-called art that is worth paying for in the first place. Public art in most cities and larger towns is an eyesore.

  5. The damned sculptures sit outside in the baking sun, snow and freezing rain, fercryinoutloud. Without looking, I will say the adhesives are weak and the googly eyes will fall off quickly, or peel off with no permanent damage. No doubt pigeon shit is a far bigger problem. Bottom line is bureaucrats and the pompous artists they subsidize cannot stand even the most gentle humor where their precious, taxpayer-funded art is concerned. It’s not as is somebody is doing burnouts on your gay flag crosswalks, you pansies. Get a f—king grip.

    By the way…and here’s the thing…You’re paying way to much to stamp out the fun. Get your community service jailbirds to do it.


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