Ivanka Trump Sales Increasing – IOTW Report

Ivanka Trump Sales Increasing


The whole mess about Ivanka Trump’s clothing line, shoe sales, and other accessories, is not about retail sales or whether or not the daughter of President Trump has a product capable of performing in the current market.  Sure, Kellyanne Conway should not have plugged Ivanka’s products. She holds an official government position, and she’s not supposed to promote any product on the market, but she’s new at this, she now knows about the ethics questions that have arisen (the Trump administration says she has been “counseled” on the issue), and she now realizes (though I think she already knew this) how far the liberal left is willing to go to politicize anything and everything they can to destroy their opposition.

The liberal left loonies have been hounding Nordstrom to drop Ivanka’s products since last year.  The liberal left is in such shock that their destined-to-break-the-glass-ceiling candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost the Presidential Election in 2016 that they are lashing out in a manner we have actually seen before.  Trump is Hitler in the minds of the Democrats (a.k.a. Marxists, Socialists, Statists, Leftists, Utopianists, and all of the rest of the “ism” chasers), as was George W. Bush, therefore, anyone and anything associated with Donald J. Trump in any manner must be silenced, destroyed, or at least boycotted.

Then, once the dirty deed is done, excuses must be created so as to show the world that the reasoning behind the attacks are not selfish politicization to protect a narrative, but some other cockamamie reason that most of the uninformed public will willingly believe because they have been trained all of their lives that being wealthy is bad (unless it’s a Democrat politician or leftist sympathizer), and all Republicans are racist, bigoted, phobic and evil.

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15 Comments on Ivanka Trump Sales Increasing

  1. Gee Wally, now that I don’t have to go to Nordstrom’s, Sears or K-Mart maybe even I’ll buy some.
    Comin’ out Beave?

    Seriously tho, if this was just a one-off Target thing, I would have no doubt that it was just one weapons-grade, stupid CEO, but I’m beginning to wonder if the Soros network isn’t compensating these companies for their losses. There is too many of them deliberately pissing off their customer base to be coincidence!

  2. Almost like Michelle’s photo op at Target, being a normal everyday person shopping and helping a privileged white lady getting an item off the top shelf. Target benefitted greatly. Then Target taking the forefront in Obama’s normalization of perverts using women’s restrooms.

  3. I’m more upset about the fact that the very second this decision was made by Nordstrom’s it was made public for political reasons.
    After all, the person who calls in a ‘gotcha’ against the Trump administration gets a gold star on their Communist report card.

  4. All those tens of thousands of people inside Trump rallies, and outside, lined up outside for miles, night after night, week after week, town after town, for months on end…seriously, what were you thinking, Nordstrom’s?

  5. This is why the Leftists want to end Capitalism.
    Libs with zero purchasing power boycott, nothing happens.
    Conserves with all the purchasing power boycott, business tanks.
    God I love America, Capitalism and Conservatism.

  6. Funny how everyone is supposed to be embarrassed and have already given up on Trump and yet anytime people can vote with their wallets you see an outpouring of money for pro-Trump celebs/companies and the boycotting of the moronic celebrities and companies that come out and try to punish Trump or even worse his family financially.

  7. I am NOT a violent woman, but…why are we forced to read/hear about this vile Marxist behavior?? Could we (maybe) cut out the tongues of ALL Communist/Democrats? They could still march, still “perform”, still use a keyboard, but it would be more peaceful if we didn’t have to LISTEN. Also, GO FREE-MARKETS!!!

  8. The sales for the woman who wore the MAGA dress sales have climbed over 18,000,000 %,
    This must have libs soiling their depends!!!

    I have never even heard of that great an increase!!!! MAGA!!!

  9. Ivanka Trumps fashion line is very tasteful. I have purchased her shoes in Lord and Taylor. Her clothing is a little “too young” for me, as I am quickly approaching the big “60”. If I were 50 I could still wear many of her clothes. That is why she’s successful. The progs hate that! Haven’t shopped in Nordstrom’s in years. If I had known they carried her line, I would have bought the shoes there.

  10. Last week, the morning before all the brohaha (this was my own idea, not Kelly Ann’s) I bought SIX dresses from the Ivanka Trump line. Enjoyed going into Nordstrom and asking to see Ivanka’s line of clothing, which of course was already gone from the store. Sales clerk was distressed about the “controversy.” I told her no worries, I would just keep looking. Asked her which stores in the mall I should try next…Dillard’s? Macy’s? More distress from the clerk while I silently snickered.

    For the record, I bought at several locations — one at Macy’s so I could try on for fit (actually haven’t shopped Macy’s since they dumped DJT’s men’s line); then bought the rest from various online retailers. The fit is fabulous and the styles are conservative but fashionable. Perfect for biz or church or even date night. Love it! Haven’t treated myself in a long time!

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