Ivanka Trump snubs Jim Acosta – IOTW Report

Ivanka Trump snubs Jim Acosta


First Daughter Ivanka Trump snubbed CNN’s Jim Acosta when he chased after her asking for a comment on her father’s impeachment trial on Tuesday – and when Acosta called her out, her brother, Donald Trump, Jr., sprang to her defense.

“Why should she give a comment to one of the most dishonest reporters in all of Washington?” the president’s son tweeted, responding to CNN Chief White House Correspondent Acosta’s retweet of video of his encounter with Ivanka at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland posted by CNN Producer Matt Hoyer. MORE

17 Comments on Ivanka Trump snubs Jim Acosta

  1. She ignored the ignorant annoying pecker-gnat.
    Good for her – a display of supreme self-control – she probably wanted to jam a pencil in his eye.
    (no, she would never do that, and I don’t read minds)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Why should she give a comment to one of the most dishonest reporters in all of Washington?”


    with Ivanka at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

    And answered.

    Eine Partei, eine Bank, über alles

  3. I just wish Accoster would have reached out & grabbed Ivanka by her arm to get her attention when she ignored him. Then he would have been on the first plane back to the U.S. with an assault charge hanging around his neck.

  4. Why do democrats think it is okay to be so rotten to strong smart elegant republican women. The way trumps wife and daughter are constantly treated is beyond reprehensible. Maybe we can start a wexit woxit wtf movement and convince democratic women democrats are very afraid of them becoming strong confident and independent.

  5. Thank God for her fabulous father, BUT…all their years in Manhattan, Ivanka & hubby were loyal Democrats and hobnobbed with other wealthy young Communist-Democrats. Acosta may have thought she was still “one of them”. Just being honest. If she runs in ’24, I’m staying home.

  6. The only way to fight propagandists is to shun them.

    McSally and Ivanka are showing the way. Of course, PDJT did it first by eliminating the type of press conference the left has exploited to aggrandize themselves.

  7. Yeah, Ivanka hit Acosta with her aloof runway model persona. She and her husband are leftists, but even they recognize what’s at stake, legally and politically if she talked to that little maggot. Besides I think she might love her father enough to want to help protect him.

  8. Ridiculous little man, he’s so rude and pathetic and unprofessional.

    He stumbles around and makes a whiny jackass out of himself. Why would anyone want to give the moron the time of day?


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