Ivanpah solar power plant not producing enough electricity, may be forced to close – IOTW Report

Ivanpah solar power plant not producing enough electricity, may be forced to close

tweety bird laughs poinots

WUWT: From the road to green hell is paved with good intentions (and dead birds) department and MarketWatch comes this unsurprising news:

A federally backed, $2.2 billion solar project in the California desert isn’t producing the electricity it is contractually required to deliver to PG&E Corp., which says the solar plant may be forced to shut down if it doesn’t receive – more

13 Comments on Ivanpah solar power plant not producing enough electricity, may be forced to close

  1. And to think that just yesterday on the news I saw that the decline in global warming was attributable to renewable energy.

    As an aside, this solar installation co-owned by Google was established using a $1.6 billion DOE government guaranteed loan. When the plant couldn’t generate enough revenue from solar power to pay the loan, Google requested a $500 billion grant to pay the loan.

    Yes, THAT Google.

    IOTW was on to this 2 years ago: https://iotwreport.com/?p=260289#jsHeKfowaRpTHz8U.99



  2. Two billion in loan guarantees for this installation plus the cost of removing it and disposing of the panels. I suspect that Google didn’t spend anywhere close to this amount and what they did spend was in under the table payments to the Democrat Party. At this point I don’t care whether it’s Trump or Cruz (ok, I want Cruz) but whoever gets elected needs to work with Congress to investigate these “deals” made during the heyday of the first and second spending spree the country went through. People need to do serious jail time regardless of political persuasion.

  3. If these things worked, they would be an ecological disaster that would be self defeating.
    The reflectivity of the desert is what keeps weather systems (rain) out. Absorb that energy, weather gets in, no more desert, no more continuous sun for the solar project.
    Nature abhors stupidity and rewards it appropriately.

  4. They defaced the desert. Is the site completed, yet? It is ‘jhuge’

    So, as I see it, everyone who wants solar energy has the right to go salvage panels and equipment. from this obamaboondoggle. We over paid for it.

  5. Mr. Dickwickle
    March 18, 2016 at 11:49 am

    It must truly be nice and satisfying to be able to scam the taxpayers out of billions of dollars. Try as I might I just can’t come up with a way to do it. Any advice?

    Step 1: Declare yourself a Sovereign Nation

    Step 2: Declare war on America

    Step 3: Surrender

    Step 4: Receive Foreign Aid

    Step 5: You don’t owe America taxes, America owes YOU aid and protection – forever.

    Step 6 – infinity: Have a good life.

  6. Ma nature, is a solar flare the same thing as a solar erection? If a solar flame lasts more than 24 hours call the good folks at the EPA and have them send a solar fire truck (make sure it’s fire proof) to the Sun preferably at night to put out the solar flare.

  7. The solar installation can show a profit. All they have to do is scoop up of the fricasseed endangered raptors, package them as free range rotisserie chicken and sell them at a hipster food store.

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