‘I’ve never been so scared’: D.C. fire crews forced to serve on run-down rigs – IOTW Report

‘I’ve never been so scared’: D.C. fire crews forced to serve on run-down rigs

WaTimes: As a three-alarm fire ripped through a D.C. seniors facility in September, firefighters discovered that the ladders on Trucks 13 and 16 didn’t work and needed to be replaced with a reserve truck.

But there was no reserve, so they were forced to pull a truck — Tower 3 — that was being repaired in the maintenance facility.

Meanwhile, the ladder on Truck 7 became stuck and was in danger of catching fire while 10 firefighters battled the blaze on the roof of the Arthur Capper Senior Public Housing building. Ordinarily, there should be two ladders to allow firefighters to escape from a roof; on that day, there was only one.

Lt. Robert Alvarado watched from the collapsing roof as a firefighter wrestled the ladder away from the flames.

“I’ve never been so scared of going to a fire as I am now,” said Lt. Alvarado, an 18-year veteran of the D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, speaking Tuesday during a town hall meeting at the Metropolitan Police Academy at Blue Plains.

The fire department has fallen behind in buying new vehicles and has allowed repair orders to pile up, forcing stations to scramble with broken or insufficient engines and trucks, said five sources in the department and documents obtained by The Washington Times.

“About 90 to 95 percent of our vehicles have something mechanically wrong with them that keeps festering,” said one senior department official familiar with safety oversight, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “I’m talking about everything — reserve fleet and everything.” more here

11 Comments on ‘I’ve never been so scared’: D.C. fire crews forced to serve on run-down rigs

  1. In the past, DC would buy our used equipment; Fairfax County, Va., just outside of DC. Any more, they just steal the money from themselves. The bottom line is, like the Metro system: What do you expect when you let a bunch of corrupt, democrat, knee grows run anything?

  2. The world you get when people who would be perplexed with the task of pouring urine out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel are in charge of making sure the fire trucks work.

    Now, lets just get to the end result of Obamacare and just let these people run wild with our healthcare. … … not.

  3. For it to get that bad the corruption must have been mind-boggling. I suspect a special investigator from some other part of the country needs to come in with his/her own team and a could of honest locals to get to the bottom of it. I guess it was a damn good thing those Marines were there to help (assuming it was the same fire).


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