Ivy League R.I. State Senator Twerks Upside-Down for Votes – IOTW Report

Ivy League R.I. State Senator Twerks Upside-Down for Votes

A Rhode Island state senator has posted a video of herself in a bikini, standing on her head while twerking, to promote her campaign for reelection.

The super-tacky video was released on Twitter by the mighty Libs of TikTok, an account that regularly exposes far-left sexual lunacy. In it, Mack stands in a bikini on a beach for a second. The video abruptly cuts to the state senator standing on her head with her backside facing the camera, cheeks jiggling as she twerks for five seconds. Then Mack’s smiling face fills the screen. “Vote Senator Mack,” she intones. Here is the tweet, watch it if you like — you’ve been warned.

45 Comments on Ivy League R.I. State Senator Twerks Upside-Down for Votes

  1. We need a good Conservative woman to step up and show Mrs, Big Butt how it’s done. I’ll be excepting videos starting right now. 99th, I’m looking at you gurl. Cause I know your hawt. LOL.

  2. Yeah, Erik, the kind of shit that won’t scrape off the shit platform in the coop in the middle of winter when it’s 10F and you haven’t cleaned the coop in over a week and the the turds are turning into shitapillars with white, frosty snowcaps and the hens are all wondering who you are and what’s your problem with all this shit! 🙂

  3. Yo! Chickens are fucking nasty. I hated cats for a long time. I still hate them. But chickens? I fucking HATE chickens.

    At least a cat is pleasant 2 days out of the month.

  4. I hate chickens. And guineas. Although I’m glad to have chickens in Joetatoe’s world. We may survive a few more weeks.

    We used to have hope chests… now we have Joey chests.

  5. This is more serious than I thought.We might need Dr. Burrs input. Soon as I straighten him out on how aluminum cans are not suitable for making gun parts out of.

  6. Yea except the unedited version shows her shooting huge watermelons out her ass. Oh shit, was that racist, cause I’m not a racists. Unless you act like a racist.

  7. LOL, Brad. Thanks for the vote of confidence!
    In a sane world that slut would be removed from office and jailed for indecent exposure.
    Guess this Demwit stunt was for the children – the left’s target group for all their disgusting perversions.

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  9. Good golly Miss Molly, in heavens name why? I get the impression that most democrap women are perverts because of the way they strut about in public behaving like sluts and whores and think it’s OK to do so.

  10. …I’ve known a lot of serious, hardworking Black folks in my life. One man who lifted himself from the actual ghetto by his own hard work and the grace of God to work a 30+ year career as an industrial technican who put his two daughters through college and retired only when his heart failed so bad he needed a valve replaced, and he was driving to work when that happened. Another man whom I literally trusted with my lifeon buckling rooftops, in flaming structures, and squashed into inverted cars that played that young man’s game so well he’s still in it as Chief over a quarter century later. Yet another man who worked a 30 year career at a jet engine manufacturer and retired with a fat pension, and now works full-time at one of my current employers because he’s bored as much as anything else, who helped his daughter launch a successful business that must have gone very well because I sold my house to his daughter at above-market price at her request just because she liked it so much, didn’t want to risk me selling it to anyone else, and because she could afford to. I just got done duscussing a machine issue on a robotic cell with its young, Black, female operator who shows up every day and gives 100%, and I know I won’t have to discuss this with her again because she’s very smart and retentive and learns quickly. One of my operators quit the job he was very successful at here to become a travelling nurse at the height of Covid. A young man who I unfortunately met only at the end of his too-short life died of an undiagnosed heart issue while working hard to earn money to go to college to realize his dream of becoming an electrical engineer.

    There are many, many more I could describe, serious, hard-working Black people who have my respect because they have earned it, winning through sometimes hard lives with very hard work and earning what they have through effort and skill and knowledge and hard experience.

    …and this twerking bimbo just reduced them all to quivering, gelatinous semi-pornographic jokes by daring to say that people who have a similar hue to her have no need of any sort of self-control or , or indeed ability to observe it.

    In her own words, “Their [White people] decorum isn’t for us [Black people]”.


    …put another way, she’s saying that, as SHE has no interest or desire to control her primal impulses and she happens to have dark skin, then that means ALL dark skinned people must be as she is and similarly be unable to control their primal impulses and so any attempt to do so must be White oppression.

    I can’t imagine the Klan could have insulted her entire race any better.

    Just because SHE has decided to forego human decency and behave in a dignified manner doesn’t mean ALL Black people do so. None of the people I mentioned would have any truck with one such as her at all. She attempts to transfer her shameful behavior to be characteristic of an entire race of people when it simply is not, for no reason other than to justify her own poor impulse control.

    You want to embarass youself, woman, fine. Shake your misshapen, lumpy ass to your perverted heart’s content.

    But don’t try to tell me that its how all Black people really are.

    Because I happen to know better.

  11. Graceia
    JULY 6, 2022 AT 12:32 AM
    “The most shocking part, to me, was that she is already an elected senator!”

    …so was the pedophile currently illegally occupying the White House, and what HE did and indeed is DOING is FAR more disgusting.

  12. Anonymous JULY 6, 2022 AT 9:56 AM
    “not all blacks are twerking fools, but many are”

    Indeed. Many Black people are terrible people, garish, loud, destructive, dangerous.

    So are many White people.

    So what’s your point?

    …it is true that popular culture does have higher allowances for Black criminality. It’s true that violence is an accepted part of whatever one defines as Black culture, but so it is in a trailer park full of White people. The problem is that whevever Government dependance has been cultivated, it came at the price of indolence, fatherless households, and a Government-encoraged culture of sloth and turpitude.

    The problem, as always, is “Government”, more than it is “Black”.

    My current perspective is that I am on a 105 degree factory floor with Black people working as hard as they can in the heat around me, along with Hispanic, Cambodian, Laosian, Vietnamese, ethic Chinese, and a whole raft of African countries, and there is no violence or sloth on display here, and it would be swifty stopped if it started. This is too dangerous an envrioment to mess around in, and everyone knows it and is working towards a commmon goal and a paycheck, not to show who’s ass is bigger.

    But from where I stand, Black people as do White people, as do every other color people, have many and varied gifts and use them to the best of their abilities when not hampered or threatened or bribed or indoctrinated by Government.

    I was taught how to do brakes when I was working on cars by a Vietnam Vet whos MOS was helicopter mechanic. No laziness or violence there.

    I’ve had to do CPR twice in different buildings in my factory. There are about 40 people theoretically trained to do the same here just on my shift, but the ONLY person who stepped up to help was a Black EHS coordinator of Hatian extraction.

    Between those ends of my working life, I have seen ’em come and seen ’em go. I’ve seen people at their worst in the mixed race commmunity I used to run squad in. I’ve seen people at their best in the hospitals where they get treated. I’ve been attacked by every race and helped by every race. I am well aware that there are places where my White face alone will get me beaten, but I am also aware of places in the hills among White people where simply being a stranger can get me killed.

    But at the end of the day while I am aware that people who look a certain way may be more likely to react negatively to me because I look a certain way, and I return that mistrust as a survival instict depending on the situation, I refuse to view people as a groupthink lump bent on evil just because of the melanin their skin may or may not contain.

    Yes, our government says I am evil because I have less melanin than some.

    But that doesn’t mean I will return the hatred as they so dearly hope I will automatically against those who have more.

    At the end of the day, God made us all, and all will answer to him.

    And I know from repeated observation that we all bleed the same color.

    And I don’t want to shed that blood over stupid hatreds that Government fosteres because it’s convenient for them to do so.


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