J6 Officer Bryant Williams Identified as DC Cop Who Pushed Trump Supporter Derrick Vargo Off Ledge – IOTW Report

J6 Officer Bryant Williams Identified as DC Cop Who Pushed Trump Supporter Derrick Vargo Off Ledge

GP: Four Trump supporters were killed on January 6, 2021, by police action. Derrick Vargo is lucky he was not the fifth.

On January 6, 2021, Trump supporter Derrick Vargo was pushed off the ledge of the US Capitol by a DC police officer.

Vargo told The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuova in an exclusive interview that he was climbing the wall to fly his Trump flag after being inspired by another rally-goer flying an American flag from a high perch.

“Capitol Police tried to murder me,” said Vargo. I am stepping forward to be the voice for those that they killed on January 6th like Ashli BabbittRosanne Boyland and the others who no longer have a voice.”
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11 Comments on J6 Officer Bryant Williams Identified as DC Cop Who Pushed Trump Supporter Derrick Vargo Off Ledge

  1. “God damn the pusher-man …”

    Should be a fat payoff in there, somewhere.
    Sue both Williams and the USCP.
    Use the methods of the totalitarians – bankrupt Williams and tie the USCP up for years.

    Where’s the ACLU when you need em?
    Derrick Vargo’s civil liberties were clearly violated.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim

    ACLU. has been as bigoted as the MSM for 75 years. They defend leftists; attack conservatives! Of course they back GWB’s killers! Will not defend those illegally killed! That has been their MO since at least 1950; likely longer!

  3. an ol exJarhead,
    I’m aware of that.
    That was a poor stab at humor/irony/sarcasm.
    I (briefly) thought to shame them – but, of course, that isn’t possible.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The ACLUseless is only interested in race hustling and profits.

    As the J6 video is examined more information of just how corrupt DC is will be exposed.
    Not that the media will say anything.
    Just like murders of white people by minorities, they’ll ignore them.

  5. TIM

    Sorry I am such a cement head! Now that you pointed it out I see it! I blame it on either:

    Early morn or. old age. I did legally vote for Barry in ’64!

    BTW. Because I was 1 bullet away – twice I was platoon leader.

    Now one of this platoons had 11 men COUNTING ME! About 1 fifth TO!


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