J6 Trial Video Shows it Was DC Cops Who Cut Tarps on Bleachers – Not Protesters – IOTW Report

J6 Trial Video Shows it Was DC Cops Who Cut Tarps on Bleachers – Not Protesters

GP: Last Thursday, in the DC District swamp, the jury for the Jan. 6 trial in the case of USA v K. Joseph Thomas produced a stunning verdict, bringing the government’s narrative to its knees.

The testimony of crooked prosecution witness MPD Police Officer Campanale was shattered by the defense team as his accusations against the defendant proved with the government’s own evidentiary video that he accused Thomas of crimes he committed himself. Campanale and other officers of the MPD had cut the tarps on the bleachers before any protestors were under the bleachers. The government has blamed protesters for this damage, even though there is exculpatory evidence they have possession of Metro Police Officers cutting the tarp down with knives themselves. more

15 Comments on J6 Trial Video Shows it Was DC Cops Who Cut Tarps on Bleachers – Not Protesters

  1. CREDIBILITY??? What’s that?

    Just like the FBI (aka FIB) I saw an ad for a TV show by that name and the first thought that came to me was that any show about the FBI should be aired with a LAUGH TRACK!

  2. ^^^The eff bee eye raided Mar a Lago because Trump declassified the docs proving Obama was in on the Russia hoax and spying on Trumps campaign. That’s what they’re after.

  3. There are some people who still don’t get it and need to hear this… COPS ARE NOT ON OUR SIDE!
    You might know a good guy or woman who’s a cop, but will you bet your freedom and rights against their paycheck and pension?

  4. ACE has been saying of 2.5 years that this entire “False Flag’ is the UNIPARTY out to destroy conservatives by a series of Kangaroo Court “Show Trials” convicting conservatives of bogus crimes.

    I mention ACE because I agree 100%!

    For each conservative Mitch’s boy Garland has said, “Show me the cpnservative and I will tell you the crime!”!

    For 70 years UNIPARTY justice has “been in the eyes of the judge”! Precisely opposite of what has been traditional American idea. But, for 70. years UNIPARTY has said “Americans are ugly!”!

    To me the real tragedy is so few GOP ( who lie about being conservative! But whose deeds, or in J6, lack of deeds, clearly show they are liberals) in either house have done anything to help these folk! In fact “Bush Republicans” have worked hard to promote the “False Flag” and Kangaroo Courts!
    Naming some “Bush Republicans” mentioned in ;the media frequently pushing this INJUSTICE ( My opinion, clearly not Garland’s!):” Adam, Liz and Mitch. Fortunately only Mitch is still in power!

  5. “We will not allow any evidence that throws doubt on a government’s case” is the current state of the American justice system. That is why they don’t want to prosecute anyone for crimes such as organized shoplifting, arson, assault, rioting for lwft-wing causes, etc.

  6. Meanwhile what is the agenda for “mainstreaming” transgenderism? Moochelle Obama’s twig and berries for President….it makes sense for what’s ahead in ’24.

    It will be sold and the Devil will dance everywhere in the Government.🤔🕺

  7. Meanwhile, actor Jay Johnston former Bob’ Burger alumni, has been arrested for being part of the Capital insurrection. Reportedly grab a police shield during entrance into the Capital. For felony obstruction & multiple misdemeanors.


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