Jack Posobiec reveals new details about federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s dodgy finances – IOTW Report

Jack Posobiec reveals new details about federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s dodgy finances

Post Millennial

Jack Posobiec on Friday’s podcast epsiode of Human Events Daily revealed new details about the federal investigation into Hunter Biden‘s dodgy finances.

“Massive news out of Delaware! The grand jury that no one is talking about,” Posobiec introduced the subject in the segment. “The son of the president of the United States is under grand jury investigation at the federal level for corruption.”

“It’s not just some tax thing … you don’t convene grand juries for that…” he said. “This is a grand jury in a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. They’re looking at the laptop and they’re looking at the entire Biden crime family operation.”

Posobiec went on to point out that the investigation has broadened to get a proper picture of Hunter’s financial status: “They’re now looking at documents from the paternity lawsuit of Hunter Biden that took place between 2019 to 2020,” he said. MORE

5 Comments on Jack Posobiec reveals new details about federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s dodgy finances

  1. “At the very least, at the very least, he was operating as an unregistered foreign agent. And, on top of that, Joe Biden, when he was a candidate, lied at the debate about his son making money in China and Ukraine,” he concluded.

    It’s all unraveling and I do believe it’s bye bye for lying Joe. Once the grand jury indicts, it’s all over. Humper has already sold his dad out, and I believe I am right to say that Humper did this intentionally. He wasn’t going to be the fall guy, if Humper goes down so does everyone else. Anthony Bobulinsk was wise to come out right from the get-go to clear his name. We’ll be hearing more about him soon.

  2. Sorry to keep saying this, but wake me when the pre-dawn search warrant raid takes place with Fox News cameras accompanying the agents…I’ll believe it when I see it.

  3. Joe Biden Lied?
    If that was illegal, joe would have been in prison 52 years ago.
    Nothing has changed for truck drivin’, professor, corrupt Joe, except his bank account and that of his crime family.


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