Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court – IOTW Report

Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court


John Ratcliffe: Stating the obvious, this was a big legal victory for President Trump and a big legal setback for Jack Smith. But I would argue that Jack Smith lost more than just a legal issue at the Supreme Court. He lost credibility. This may be his Mueller moment.

Your viewers remember when Special Counsel Bob Mueller struggled and stumbled to find an answer and ultimately couldn’t answer why he applied a different standard to Donald Trump than anyone else ever prosecuted or under investigation by the Department of Justice, meaning that Donald Trump had to conclusively prove his innocence rather than have a presumption of innocence as our bedrock standard.

Bob Mueller lost all credibility and he and his report drifted away. And I would submit that this is the Bob Mueller moment for Jack Smith because everyone remembers, Maria, that he stood before the American people when he indicted Donald Trump. And he said, we have one set of laws and they apply equally to everyone. Donald Trump will be treated the same as every other defendant. But when Donald Trump’s legal team came forward with a legal defense of presidential immunity that threatened a trial date taking place before the political election in 2020, Jack Smith did a 180 and he went to the Supreme Court and said, forget everything I told you. Now. Donald Trump is completely different. MORE

9 Comments on Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court

  1. Complete bullshit. Demoncrats are not going to stop because of Jackass Smith
    fowled up something. It’s just going to get worse and worse, another scheme, another corrupt judge, another corrupt supreme court, corrupt politician. The dingbat being run by Barry Soetoro will never stop, it just goes on and on. We need to pray for DJT, pray for our protection and ask the Lord to keep us safe until His return. Merry Christmas and we thank G-d for our savior.

  2. Lose, what, where, when? The Supreme only kicked the can down the road. NEWSFLASH! A case is neither won nor lost until the Court makes a decision. Lost was already decided in the lower courts ruling, thats who lost so far. I for one hope they decide a President if forever immune to lawsuits, if that day happens it will be all hail His Majesty King Joe Biden, America’s Supreme Ruler. It will be go ahead & sue me because I am forever immune from any & all lawsuits.

  3. “Lose, what, where, when?”

    They, the bad guys, lost in their efforts to railroad and persecute an innocent man in order to destroy his ability to run for president during the time frame he would be campaigning.
    Get it now?


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