Jack Smith’s Real-Life Bogeyman – IOTW Report

Jack Smith’s Real-Life Bogeyman

Declassified With Julie Kelly:

One must wonder if Special Counsel Jack Smith checks under his bed every night to make sure a large man wearing an oversized blue suit, long red tie, and MAGA hat isn’t there.

Smith, the public has been assured, is a nerves-of-steel prosecutor who has taken on some of the world’s most dangerous criminals during his time at the U.S. Department of Justice and The Hague. Following Smith’s appointment in November 2022, one former colleague swooned to the New York Times how Smith “has a way about him of projecting calm” and that “people look to him for steady guidance.”

But his recent conduct suggests Smith might be losing his grip. Tasked with supervising both criminal investigations into Donald Trump—the events of January 6 and possession of alleged classified material—Smith continues to make outlandish allegations about the former president in court motions. These claims include warnings that Trump is a flight risk, is jeopardizing the safety of government officials and poisoning the D.C. jury pool with his social media posts, and “could precipitate violence” if sealed search warrants were disclosed to him. read more

11 Comments on Jack Smith’s Real-Life Bogeyman

  1. This guys one giant POS. An enemy of the Republic for sure. I think Trumps getting to him. Jack Ass Smith is spending lots of time trying to silence Trump. Of course then he’ll just hear it from Don Jr. And then Eric.

  2. Don was BY FAR the best President since Ronny! But not nearly as good a Ronny. BECAUSE HE HIRED TOO MANY “BUSH REPUBLICANS’.
    When Jack was Don’s man in Tenn “17; he was a “Bush Republican”. He has been “independent” the last 4 years.

    But “tigers don’t change their stripes”; “Bush Republicans” do not stop being DEMOCRATS!


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