Jacob Blake Admits He Did Have A Knife – IOTW Report

Jacob Blake Admits He Did Have A Knife

National Pulse: Blake, whose shooting erupted in violent protests, repeatedly insisted that he was “unarmed.”

According to a USAToday fact check – “Fact check: Jacob Blake did not ‘brandish’ knife, get gun before Kenosha police shooting” – Blake attorneys and family members echoed these claims:

Blake’s representatives have said he was unarmed. His father told the Chicago Sun-Times for an Aug. 25 story, “My son didn’t have a weapon. He didn’t have a gun.” 

Blake’s attorney, Ben Crump, said in a statement released Aug. 27, “Jacob did nothing to provoke police. … Witnesses confirm that he was not in possession of a knife and didn’t threaten officers in any way.” But another attorney representing the Blake family, Patrick Salvi Jr., had told CNN the day before that Blake didn’t have a weapon in the vehicle, which turned out to not be true.

A new ABC7 interview, Blake’s first interview since his altercation with Officer Rusten Sheskey, patently disproves the aforementioned claims: more

11 Comments on Jacob Blake Admits He Did Have A Knife

  1. “A lie travels halfway around the World before the truth gets his boots on.”
    (dead white guy)

    The media? Lawyers? Who would expect anything other than lies?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The vicious animal earned himself a lifelong “time out” in that chair.
    The next scumbag they convict should be sentenced to keeping this dirtbag. cleaned daily. “He crapped again, get your rag and bucket”

  3. Is this supposed to be news? REgressives will rationalize it anyway, butbutbut 7 times in back?!? it was just a knife he was just trying to see his little girl.

    How many businesses in Kenosha were burned and looted because of the lies told by the media?

  4. Can the media be impeached / held financially and morally accountable for inciting the Kenosha riots based on this lie?

    I’m serious. Everyone is asking what can conservatives do. How about organizing a class action lawsuit for individuals and businesses harmed and destroyed by these riots based on lies? If Trump can be held accountable for inciting the Capitol mob based on a lie of voter fraud, why can’t the reporters, editors, and media companies be held accountable for inciting the violence in Kenosha based on spreading the lie of an unarmed man?

    Lin Wood (and a sane team of conservative lawyers) needs to pivot from defending one kid there to representing all those who lost lives, businesses, and livlihoods as a result of the media’s actions. That puts all the victims on offense together against the true instigators (with deep national pockets) instead of fighting among themselves over the charred remains of their small town.

  5. It’s a darn shame we can’t post pics on here…. I have a really nice meme I made all by myself that pictures this Son-of-Obama laying in his hospital bed saying, “Ain’t Karma a Bitch.”

  6. *ahem*

    AWWWWW. poor widdle RAPIST. stuck in a wheelchair so he can’t RAPE ex girlfriends anymore… 🙁

    POOR WIDDLE RAPIST. DId it HURT when the BAD BAD officers shot you??
    Kinda wish that they had shot off a testicle personally, BUT AWWWWWWWWW.

    The media isn’t psychotic for glorifying you at ALLLLLL. :(((((


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