Jacques Parizeau, dead at 84 – IOTW Report

Jacques Parizeau, dead at 84

BarrelStrength: The death of Jacques Parizeau, traitor, deceiver, fanatic, lawless bandit, drunk, bigot, upper-class twit, wrecker of the Quebec economy, national socialist, fills me with a sense of grave concern for the future condition of his soul.

Through what sombre felony did he fall from grace?

He is one of the very few people who could have unleashed a Canadian civil war. He was prevented from doing so only by big money and the ethnic [anglophone] vote. When I find his tombstone, I will piss on it. more


12 Comments on Jacques Parizeau, dead at 84

  1. I can’t exactly put my finger on it, but something – SOMETHING – in that write-up leads me to believe that the author was not terribly fond of Parizeau.
    I could be wrong, though.

  2. Won’t be missed. Quebec separatists are Canada’s “Progressives gone Wild”. They want their own country, rules, culture, language etc. but they want the rest of Canada to foot the bill. They are totally corrupt to the tune of billions in bribes, graft, contracts, and outright theft. I’m surprised the Democrats haven’t made them a case study. Guess it’s the language issue. No tears here.

  3. Brian in B.C.

    The dems have and IT is currently our president.

    The description is so Obama, except for the word ‘Quebec’. Substitute ‘America’ and add solipsist and you have Obama.

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