Jailbird Jussie – IOTW Report

Jailbird Jussie

In the Litter Box w/ Jewels & Catturd 3/11/2022 – Ep. 38

Catturd and Jewels discuss Juicy Smollett, “Kamilla”, Joe Biden, gas, and more!


Jewels @JewelsJones (GETTR) (TRUTH Social), @JewelsJones1 (Gab)

Catturd @Catturd2 (Twitter) (GETTR) (TRUTH Social), @Catturd (Gab)

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4 Comments on Jailbird Jussie

  1. BTW, you East coasters are about to lose an hour, it’s near the Ides of March and you have a month to file your taxes…oh and biden* is your president.

    Sleep on that!

    Why the HELL do you think I’m into my fourth margarita?


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