Jake Sullivan Gets Taken to the Woodshed – IOTW Report

Jake Sullivan Gets Taken to the Woodshed

RED STATE: Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan went on all the networks on Sunday, stoking up the concern about a potential invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

But when he went on Fox, he faced some real questions from host Martha MacCallum about why Joe Biden had aided and abetted Russia with the moves that he has made regarding energy.

Now, we see a lot of liberal media giving the Biden Administration a pass when it comes to their bad moves on energy, but MacCallum had the facts and was loaded for bear with them in the interview. more

16 Comments on Jake Sullivan Gets Taken to the Woodshed

  1. What does it matter if he was “taken to the wood shed”? Obama’s third term was made possible through open fraud, with the blessing of the disloyal opposition and the courts. These pr stooges just don’t care about the gotchas. Gotchas are irrelevent in the current context.

  2. OK, this dude’s face should pop up in a carnival or games arcade, like whack-a-mole, to give people a chance to smack him upside his stupid face, or at least urinate on him.

    What a callow-looking little turd.

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