Jake Tapper mocks Trump’s dinner guests – IOTW Report

Jake Tapper mocks Trump’s dinner guests

American Thinker: What’s gotten into Jake Tapper? The formerly fine journalist, since turned swamp thing has spewed out a doozy of a criticism for President Trump over his dinner guests on Twitter:

So you’re the president of the United States of America. You can dine with literally anyone you want to. Titans of industry. Geniuses of the arts. Tech wizards changing everything. World leaders and humanitarian saints.

Cripes, what a thing to criticize him on. I hadn’t seen this until now, as a result of  Mike Allen, writing in Axios, who seems to approve as a leading member of the swamp speaking for the swamp sensibility, and adds that Trump dines with guys like boxing promoter Don King, too, (clutching his pearls).

As President Trump increasingly tunes out formal advisers, there’s a growing list of misfits and hangers-on that he just can’t seem to quit — and whose advice he seems to welcome and even adopt.

Why it matters: Trump is successfully resisting the West Wing bubble that tended to imprison his predecessors. But he fills his time and mind with colorful, marginal thinkers who reinforce his instincts rather than broadening his horizon — comfort food, rather than nutrition.

  • The WashPost reports on A1 today: “Trump began the past workweek cutting into steaks at the White House residence on Monday night with his political soldiers, including former advisers Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie, strategist Brad Parscale, and son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner.”
  • “He ended it dining on the gilded patio of his Mar-a-Lago estate with eccentric boxing promoter Don King, who said he vented to the president about the Stormy Daniels saga.”
  • Last month, The Daily Beast reported a Trump dinner with Fox News host Jesse Watters and former White House gadfly Seb “Dr. G” Gorka because “he couldn’t get enough of them on TV.

First, Trump’s actual choice of dinner guests, at least in the instance that so upset Tapper, is not bereft of merit in the slightest. Seb Gorka, for one, has a Ph.D. from a European university and a known record of scholarship. His work has caught Trump’s eye, along with Trump’s pleasure at his discourse. Gorka is impressive in person, exuding both energy and brainy common sense. Quite a few Trump voters consider it a good thing that the two have stayed in touch. The story with Watters has to be similar, I don’t have his academic background, but it’s indisputable that he’s one of Fox News’s top talented broadcasters. Who doesn’t enjoy watching Watters crack witticisms, or expose leftwing ignorance on the streets, other than angry leftists?

But just let’s assume that Gorka and Watters were not at the top of their fields as Tapper alleges.

Why, exactly, should Trump shut himself off from the people and focus exclusively on America’s elites, the way Obama did?  MORE

18 Comments on Jake Tapper mocks Trump’s dinner guests

  1. Tapper must have been assigned to bathroom duty (handing out towels and whatnot) and his feelings are hurt.
    He’s one of the “high and mighty,” after all, not a man to be ignored.
    He’s a “force to be reckoned with” not some impotent shill.
    He’s a … oh, fuck it … he’s a suck-ass, jealous, limousine socialist maggot – another rich, useless, talking-head, POS the world could do without.

    He can fight Huma for the job of changing HRC’s diapers …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Just recall how Obumbler had all those dinners, with all those fawning pundits and intellectuals when he was busy becoming the Transformative President? George Will and Doris Kerns Goodwin and other lapdogs. After a few years, the Presidential Pretence was cast aside, and he started hanging with his enhanced Choom Gang. Rappers, talentless actors and actresses, basketball players and other low life cultural icons. No thanks to the MSDM for not exposing this fraudster. Aren’t we glad that elections have real consequences?

  3. One gets the feeling that TRUMP has an affinity for the middle class. That’s why he was elected and that’s why he is popular among those of us that don’t think we’re better than anyone else.

  4. Trump has people with intellectual substance. As mentioned, Obama had celebrities and musicians. But Trump is the empty suit that can’t read and doesn’t know how to do the job. More ridiculousness from the lefty media complex.

  5. “Why, exactly, should Trump shut himself off from the people and focus exclusively on America’s elites, the way Obama did? ”

    And the rappers. Don’t forget the rappers, Tapper. Call me when somebody’s ankle monitor goes off at dinner with Trump.

  6. Has he invited, as a beloved guest he bows to, anyone from an organization that wants to overthrow America or destroy Israel?

    Does he dine with an Iranian that’s running his presidency from the White House?

    Has he invited Bill Ayers or adopted his cause in any way?

    No, no, and no.

    Ok then. He’s doing alright so far.

  7. I once knew a girl with a snapper.
    She called the thing Jake Tapper.

    It was hot, wet, and red
    And sometimes it bled
    Not a Clapper, but a snapper named Tapper!

    (I have no idea where that came from)

    izlamo delenda est …

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