Jake Tapper: Obama lied and got away with it because the media loved him – IOTW Report

Jake Tapper: Obama lied and got away with it because the media loved him

BPR: Removed from the bright lights and cameras at CNN Jake Tappers admitted the media let former President Obama get away with things that attack President Donald Trump for.

The host of CNN’s “State of the Union” and “The Lead” told Rolling Stone Magazine he thinks “there is a sort of confirmation bias that some media outlets feed and it does trouble me because I try not to do that.”

Tapper said there is a place for partisan reporting but that he was concerned that he feared too many people prefer ideological news coverage to fact based reporting.

“It’s hard to assess since there’s so many media outlets and its tough to say that Rachel Maddow’s ratings one night or Sean Hannity’s ratings reflect nothing more than certainly a very sizable audience, but certainly not a majority of the American people,” he said. “I think the smartest opinions are the ones that are formed after hearing facts and after hearing a good fact-based debate and that will make the nation better, not just people living in their own bubble and being on their self self-feeding feedback loop.”

But then Tapper admitted something unexpected.  more here

11 Comments on Jake Tapper: Obama lied and got away with it because the media loved him

  1. 💢 Isn’t it strange all this hand-wringing about slanted news POST ABC/NBC/CBS monopoly? 💢

    💢 Since the advent and popularity of cable/internet news, I haven’t seen any of those news broadcasts mentioned above since I watched wall-to-wall coverage of 911. I couldn’t tell you who is the news anchor of any of them, or even what station they are on.

    The fake news people are just mad b/c people have CHOICES, and they lose audience members (read: advertisement revenue).

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