Jake Tapper Questions John Kerry’s Assessment: Doesn’t Look Like “ISIS Is On THe Run” – IOTW Report

Jake Tapper Questions John Kerry’s Assessment: Doesn’t Look Like “ISIS Is On THe Run”

RCP: In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning, Secretary of State John Kerry gave an assessment of how the war against ISIS is going.

“Daesh,” Kerry said, referencing an alternative name for the group, “is under great, great pressure… They are shrinking. We’ve taken back 40 percent and 45 percent of the territory they held in Iraq and we’re squeezing town after town.”


oh lawd you stupid

“With all due respect, sir,” Tapper interjected. “I’m not sure it looks that way to the public that ISIS is on the run… In the last few weeks we have seen a series of ISIS inspired attacks and 49 killed in Orlando and 45 killed in Istanbul and more than 200 killed in Baghdad and 84 in Nice.”  more

15 Comments on Jake Tapper Questions John Kerry’s Assessment: Doesn’t Look Like “ISIS Is On THe Run”

  1. ‘Daesh’ … Leave it to Kerry to pick a European term for ISIS in an attempt to sound like an aristocrat while he spins this BS about them losing power.

  2. John Kerry makes Baghdad Bob look like a genius.
    Only a moron would make such a claim and it matters not if you call them ISIL or Daesh, they’re Islamists.
    I don’t even call them radical or extreme. They are mainstream followers of the rapist murderer

    That makes me the unknowing dolt and Kerry the superior intellect.

    I’m ok with that.

    As an aside, I wonder what kind of life Kerry has and will live for the rest of the years of his miserable fucking
    Life? You can distract yourself with shiny objects for a while, but ultimately the fact that your life has been a complete failure and that you’ve lived the life of a bought and paid for loser has got to haunt you.

  3. Kerry: “There are thousands of fighters, some of whom left the area of the fighting years ago and they are sitting in some community somewhere in the world.”

    Thanks for the heads up, asshole.

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