Jake’s Hot Mic – IOTW Report

Jake’s Hot Mic

The troubling implications of Jake Sullivan’s hot mic revelations.

American Thinker:
By Rajan Laad

As part of the sanctions placed on Russia after its military intervention in Ukraine, there was a massive crackdown on Russian assets. This involved the seizure of assets such as luxury yachts, cars, aircraft, art, and the freezing of bank accounts owned by Russian oligarchs.

Obviously, seizing and maintaining assets such as super-yachts is a massive undertaking that involves great expenditure. So who is footing the bill for the upkeep of the vessels seized?
That mystery was revealed just yesterday by Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan. more

8 Comments on Jake’s Hot Mic

  1. Oh, so it’s like you can’t have your toy until you learn to behave. I was hoping it would be, you’re never gonna see that yacht again because we’re recycling it right now!

  2. Yeah……Governments have recently shown that they can freeze and/or confiscate people’s property and wealth….

    So how safe is your property and wealth……citizen….?????

  3. I am sure that if my property were seized by the government, they do do their best to maintain it in good condition.

    The government is no nice that they probably have people use those assists as they normally be used just to be sure they do not deteriorate.

  4. The government is only doing to Russian oligarchs what it’s been doing to its own citizens at least since the creation of the IRS. If you aren’t politically correct, you could call it robbery.

  5. Anyone remember that time our government, acting through the IRS, acquired a house of ill repute?
    While operating and trying to maintain it, it went broke. The government, the bain of our existence.

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