Jamaican National Convicted of Murder Asks Andrew Cuomo for Pardon to Avoid Deportation: ‘I’m Terrified – IOTW Report

Jamaican National Convicted of Murder Asks Andrew Cuomo for Pardon to Avoid Deportation: ‘I’m Terrified


A Jamaican national convicted of murder is asking New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for an executive pardon in order to avoid being deported from the United States.

Colin Absolam, a 46-year-old originally from Jamaica, is asking Cuomo to pardon him so that he is not deported by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency after serving 25 years in prison for an execution-style murder.

Absolam detailed the murder he committed to the Marshall Project and said he is a “valuable asset” to American society today. more here

18 Comments on Jamaican National Convicted of Murder Asks Andrew Cuomo for Pardon to Avoid Deportation: ‘I’m Terrified

  1. In a sane (mentally clean) country, nobody would even bother making such a stupid demand. As it is, there’s at least a chance the (D)irtbags immigrant insanity will give him his wish.


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