James Clapper Says He and Susan Rice Both ‘Did Unmaskings’ – IOTW Report

James Clapper Says He and Susan Rice Both ‘Did Unmaskings’



Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted on CNN that he has unmasked Americans during his time under the Obama administration, and defended doing so.

“So I did unmaskings during my six-and-a-half years at DNI, Susan did as well, and it was not done for political purposes whatsoever,” he said.

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13 Comments on James Clapper Says He and Susan Rice Both ‘Did Unmaskings’

  1. Guess Treason ain’t so bad, anymore.
    Bradley Manning, Susan Rice, James Clapper, James Comey … Barry Obola, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, DWS, HRC, Huma Abedin … I’m beginning to wonder whether there are any Americans in Office? Have they ALL sold out to the Globaloney Interests?

    Stupid question … sorry.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. DWS, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Rice, Power, Lynch…these people all talk like they know the fix is in for them, and they’re impatiently waiting to be reappointed to office. I would like to believe that they are once again wrong in their assessment of PDT, but the DOJ apparently opened for business just yesterday, so I’m not too optimistic.

  3. Damned Macedonian Content Farmers were busy directing the unmasking of anyone who challenged the Inevitable One. Simply deplorable. None of this really happened. Move along. Russians colluded with everyone except the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation and the Hidden Patriots who cannot be unmasked. Confused? That’s the strategy.

  4. Start hanging … and don’t stop until you run out of Traitors.
    Just to be sure.

    If it has a (D), (S), (G), or (L) by its name it’s a definite positive ID – 4′ drop. RINO or GOPe have to guess – 2′ drop or slow lift.

    (this comment is just dark jest, by the way, for those with no sense of humor)

    Ha! Ha! See? I’m a liberal (socialist) comedian!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “So I did unmaskings during my six-and-a-half years at DNI, Susan did as well, and it was not done for political purposes whatsoever,” he said.”

    Of course it wasn’t Mr. Clapper. It’s only sheer coincidence that everybody you and Susan and God knows who else unmasked, happened to be a political opponent of Obummer and/or the Clintons.

    Gee, we at the IRS had no idea that the groups we were giving a hard time with her all Tea Party and GOP groups. Total coincidence – Lois “Should be doing hard time” Lerner

  6. “The Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.”
    (James Clapper in testimony before Congress)

    A stone cold lie – a flat perjury – why isn’t this ass in jail?

    izlamo delenda est …

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