James Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems – IOTW Report

James Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems


James Comey is not an effective liar. He fooled only the gullible last week with his evasive testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Previously, Robert Mueller was also not effective deterring the Trump Administration from uncovering significant, far-reaching crimes that the former F.B.I. Director “missed” from September 2001 through September 2013.

For almost 18 years, Comey and Mueller have been covering for powerful Republicans and Democrats, letting serious crimes go unpunished. Many of these involved fake charities that operate internationally, including the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

These are perfect conduits to trade donations for influence, especially for foreign governments who, in theory, are barred from investing in U.S. politicians.

We are approaching a “put up or shut up” moment, where President Trump must deliver on the most important campaign promise he made in closing arguments during the 2016 campaign: that justice would finally be administered to each American, without fear or favor.

This hard deadline is not Nov. 3, 2020 but 13 days later when many Clinton charities must file I.R.S. returns that are complete and truthful. None can do so, yet each must.

Here is some of the back story.

11 Comments on James Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems

  1. Along with the established institutions of U.S. culture — education, entertainment/music, sports, religion (esp. Christian), networt/cable news, etc. — the Left and its NWO globalist cohort have inured us to corruption in all areas of government and have hollowed out any expectation that gov’t criminals will be brought before an honest judge for prosecution and fair judgement and punishment.

    Congressional oversight “hearings” take the place of the courts and have been become the circuses part of “bread and circusus” with each congressman playing their part of the Ring Master, Sword Swallower, Clown, Lion, Trained Seal, Fat Lady, and Strong Man. It’s all a show for which the price of admission are our tax dollars. At the end of each performance we’re shooed out of the tent with “Get out of here, kid, you’re botherin’ me.”

    Like its real circus counterpart, it’s a show for gullible children and slow adults; run by hucksters and carnies.

  2. I have been following Charles Ortel for 10(?) years as he has systematically laid out the details of incredible frauds committed by the Clintons.

    It’s a small wonder he hasn’t killed himself. You can take anything he says about these 2 scumbags as gospel.

    Like he says, it’s put up or just STFU time. We’ll see.


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