James Comey: Hey, maybe Hillary’s ‘not sophisticated enough’ to understand classification markings! – IOTW Report

James Comey: Hey, maybe Hillary’s ‘not sophisticated enough’ to understand classification markings!

But let’s give her the launch codes!

CAINtv: Hillary, as we all know, is the smartest woman on the planet.  She’s just unbelievably sharp.  In fact, her intellect is such that she was about to become President back in 2008.  If it weren’t for the sudden appearance of an even smarter “articulate black man,” we’d have been living in President Clinton’s America for the last eight years. Now, because she’s practically an avatar for human intelligence, she’s about to claim the job that’s rightfully hers.

But…if she’s so smart, why does she seem to have so much trouble understanding those pesky classification markings on documents?  MORE

18 Comments on James Comey: Hey, maybe Hillary’s ‘not sophisticated enough’ to understand classification markings!

  1. It’s now official, Comey and the 150 FBI Agents who worked on the case for more than a year have just declared that their investigation proved that old ugly plumber’s buttcrack cankles has to be the stupidest woman on the planet!

  2. The MSM always fawns at how Hillary and Barack are extraordinarily intelligent.
    I would love to have a conversation with them about technology, science, physics, etc.
    It would be fascinating to find out how pedestrian and average their IQ’s actually are.
    We know damn well they can’t understand human biology.
    Two average dummies running a once proud country into the dirt.

  3. Comey said “any reasonable person should have known that classified conversations should not have been taking place on an unsecured network.”

    As the smartest woman on the planet, Hillary should have known. As a former first lady, Hillary should have known. As a former senator, Hillary should have known. As Secretary of State, Hillary should have known. And as an attorney, Hillary should have been able to read an english sentence to know what the rules and penalties were for having classified information on an un-secured network.

    So which is it, Comey? Smartest person in the room with dastardly intentions, or incompetent moron who didn’t know she was doing anything wrong?

  4. As a 19 yr.old in the military I had access and used secret and top secret codes and communications. I was told in no uncertain terms if I were to misplace, lose, or relinquish physical control of these classified items, it would lead to a general Court-martial, prison and a dishonorable discharge.
    As a 19 yr. old I certainly was not sophisticated, but I clearly understood the importance placed upon classified codes and communication.
    I can guarantee my intent would never have been considered in the eyes of the Court. Ignorance, sloppiness or being careless is not a defense.

  5. I am sure she had plenty of competent staff to advise her about technical things like classification markings. It would take someone with Hillary’s well known arrogance and temper to tell them to all STFU.

  6. She has committed Treason against the United States of America, murdered an Ambassador, amassed hundreds of $Millions, lied, prevaricated, stolen, lied some more, and has a sycophantic, fawning press at her disposal 8 days a week.
    You should be so fucking stupid!

    Nietzsche’s “Beyond Good and Evil” pretty much sums her up.

    izlamo delenda est …

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