James Comey: I Am a ‘Deeply Flawed and Fallible Human Being’ Who Did Not Stop Terrorists – IOTW Report

James Comey: I Am a ‘Deeply Flawed and Fallible Human Being’ Who Did Not Stop Terrorists

Breitbart– FBI director James Comey conceded that he is a “deeply flawed” person who failed to stop some terrorist attacks before they happened. Comey made the admission while being interrogated Tuesday before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

Comey faced pointed questions about recent terrorist shootings and bombings in the United States and about his failure to recommend indictment for Hillary Clinton in her private server scandal. Comey is under fire in the public for these failures, with Breitbart News recently reporting on his financial links to the Clinton Foundation.

“Is it your position that no mistakes were made in each of these in judging them not to be credible threats?,” Kentucky Senator Rand Paul asked Comey, referring to multiple instances of the FBI failing to act on evidence that it had on various terrorist suspects before they killed Americans. “Would you not have done more in the gun store that Mateen came into six weeks before the shooting? Would you not have done more when Rahami was arrested in questioning him because his dad said he was a terrorist?”

In a rare moment of candor, Comey made a stunning admission.

23 Comments on James Comey: I Am a ‘Deeply Flawed and Fallible Human Being’ Who Did Not Stop Terrorists

  1. I agree!!!! He is a deeply flawed and fallible individual and he should have added that he is also a Clinton/Obama sycophant, traitor, coward, incompetent, scoundrel and an asshole of the first order!

  2. Oh yeah? That’s odd, because just 15 minutes prior to confessing his sins, the smug bastid, during his opening statement, commented that “this would be the last time he would be coming before congress and sitting besides his great friend Jeh Johnson” (as I presume Johnson will be leaving DHS).

    He then turned to Johnson and said,

    “Jeh, it’s been a pleasure serving with you, I HAVE ANOTHER SEVEN YEARS, and you’re welcome back anytime.”

    Hmmm, think he knows something about the outcome of the election that we don’t?????

    Further, during the same hearing, Johnson mentioned that due to concerns about cyber security breeches in the election, he was proud to report that 18 states had contacted him for DHS assistance. I wonder if those are purple states????

  3. After Comey’s many deliberate intentions to deceive, we have an attempt at honesty. What wasn’t revealed is just how deep and wide his flaws are.

    I doubt attempts of honesty will become routine in this administration.

    If Comey is the face of Justice, Bill Clinton is the face of virtue.

  4. From its inception and for decades thereafter, the FBI was dominated and controlled by a gossiping, blackmailing faggot*. The roots run deep.

    (* – No offense intended to any other GBFs out there, of course)


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