James Comey is still in legal jeopardy – IOTW Report

James Comey is still in legal jeopardy

Listen to The Hill’s John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First

11 Comments on James Comey is still in legal jeopardy

  1. Sure he is. The only Jeopardy in Comey’s future is hosted by Alex Trebek.
    And don’t think for a second the tone deaf, narcissistic a-hole wouldn’t jump at the chance to remind the world of his brilliance.

  2. I noticed that Joe DeGenova toned down his predictions from the previous days statements. Now he’s saying to temper your expectations if you’re looking for serious jail time for these creeps.
    Basically it can be summed up that there’ll be no justice. That sounds about right.

  3. A known Traitor, Leaker, and Obstructer of Justice will NOT be prosecuted.

    It wobbles the mind!
    We KNOW he “botched” the Clinton e-mail and the Clinton-Lynch Tarmac investigations (if there ever were any) and that he leaked to the papers and that he lied to Congress and that he conspired to depose a sitting President.

    So – ya gotta axe y’seff – Huh? Wassup di dat?

    Has he turned turtle and offered to spill his guts?
    I don’t think so, cuz that would put his life in serious jeopardy – the Clintons are an unforgiving lot and have murdered over 90 people with impunity – one more is no big deal.

    Is Barr a coward?
    Is Barr willing to abandon the law to protect the scum over the FBI pond?
    Questions, questions, questions. But no answers – at least any that make sense.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. If this coup attempt isn’t clearly exposed and widely disseminated to the public the dems will continue their narrative and Trump will have a harder time in the next election than he should have. So far nothing is putting these corrupt bastards back on their heels. People are getting discouraged and that’ll translate into a slump of enthusiasm at the polls.

  5. A guy like Comey spends his entire career learning where all the bodies are buried just so he can avoid prosecution for crimes like the ones he’s committed: theft, perjury, sedition, and treason… The DoJ wasted exactly zero time yesterday in leaking that Comey won’t be prosecuted for any of this, because, if he is, he will spill the beans on decades of FBI criminality. That’s how these creeps always get away with it.

  6. I have little faith anyone is going to be paying the way they should personally. The best that can probably happen is this unwinds next year in time for the election. The last election that delivered the House to dems was unfairly influenced by Mueller and the dems having the special investigation open. They deserve the results of the investigation into how and why 30 million dollars were wasted to perpetuate a lie came to be.

  7. “We don’t want to point fingers, we just want to make sure this never happens again!”

    “It’s fo da l’il chillenz!”

    Same old lies from the same old maggots – guess they can’t say: “We’re gonna do nuthing cuz it might jeopardize our chances of murder, Treason, and stealing!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I just checked my justice map. I don’t see a highway connecting “in-legal-jeopardy-town” to “in-jail-town”. Not even a footpath. Hope there is a hidden one, but have doubts about it based on recent history.


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