James Comey Leak Recipient, Daniel Richman, Had Special Access To FBI Databases – IOTW Report

James Comey Leak Recipient, Daniel Richman, Had Special Access To FBI Databases

Conservative Treehouse: After congressman Jim Jordan made mention of this issue last Sunday people started asking questions. Fox News Catherine Herridge details how Daniel Richman held special access privileges to the FBI, as an outcome of former FBI Director James Comey authorizing his friend as a “Special Government Employee” or SGE.

(VIA FOX) […] The professor, Daniel Richman, confirmed the special status in response to an inquiry from Fox News, while referring other questions, including on the scope of his work, to the FBI.

“I did indeed have SGE status with the Bureau (for no pay),” Richman wrote in an email.

Richman emerged last year as the former FBI director’s contact for leaking memos documenting his private discussions with President Trump – memos that are now the subject of an inspector general review over the presence of classified material. Sources familiar with Richman’s status at the FBI told Fox News that he was assigned to “special projects” by Comey, and had a security clearance as well as badge access to the building. Richman’s status was the subject of a Memorandum of Understanding.  (read more)

Wait, let’s look at something here. From the article the benefits included: “Sources familiar with Richman’s status at the FBI told Fox News that he was assigned to “special projects” by Comey, and had a security clearance as well as badge access to the building. Richman’s status was the subject of a Memorandum of Understanding.”  READ MORE

7 Comments on James Comey Leak Recipient, Daniel Richman, Had Special Access To FBI Databases

  1. Mr. Richman’s electronic communications are now in play.
    Whatever he was doing for his buddy Comey, J, Edgar Comey ,as someone else said,
    it fits somewhere in the conspiracy timeline.

  2. assigned to “special projects” by Comey
    pick up my dry cleaning
    have the car washed and gassed at all times
    order lunch, daily
    tune up drums for the daily drum circle drum off

    and had a security clearance as well as badge access to the building,
    only come through the back door
    don’t ware too much glitter when under desk.

  3. “I did indeed have SGE status with the Bureau (for no pay),”

    SGE status: chump working for free. Comey must have thought highly of this guy. Pathetic, f–king throne sniffer, scurrying around with his FBI Fast Pass, wanting desperately to please Comey and be a resistance hero. I hope he spends some quality time in the legal system.

  4. Special Projects… is that the 2 for 1 Taco Tuesday Lunch Buddy special? Or Special Projects for Special Government Employment, for no pay special?

    Pay isn’t just cash. Did you declare some mileage on your taxes for those quarters? Bet you did, you wascal. And what about Parking? You know it’s free at the FBI garages. Did you declare a lot of parking during that time period. Curiouser and Curiouser.

  5. “classified material”

    only classified and hidden from the citizen voters

    how about we stop keeping secrets from the citizens ?

    if the citizens cannot know about it, the government probably should not be doing it, right ?

    how can you expect to keep your freedom if you let those governing you keep secrets from you ?

    you can’t !

    this really pisses me off !


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