James O’Keefe explains how the DOJ spied on him behind a judge’s back – IOTW Report

James O’Keefe explains how the DOJ spied on him behind a judge’s back

News Thud: James O’Keefe was on Hannity last night to discuss how the DOJ spied on his privileged communications behind a judge’s back. This is the same judge who ordered all of O’Keefe’s privileged communications be turned over to a special master.

In short, the SDNY got O’Keefe’s emails all the way back to January 1, 2020 and then used special warrants from magistrate judges to block Microsoft from telling O’Keefe. watch

3 Comments on James O’Keefe explains how the DOJ spied on him behind a judge’s back

  1. this is how our ‘judicial’ system works … it is only meant to control the ‘little people’, the peasants, the hoi-poli, the vassals, the serfs … us

    it’s not meant for them, the anointed, the blessed … our ‘betters’

    The Constitution died while our grandparents slept. they gave up liberty for security. we do the same. “We The People” do not matter … only their ‘justice’ matters. we are merely cogs in their machine

    continue taking your Blue Pill & get your daily dose of thrills via your social media ‘thumbs up’ …… ahhhhhhh …. Soma!


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