The O’Keefe Media Group released undercover video of a DHS official admitting the department will defy DHS Chief Kristi Noem.
Noem has vowed to shut down Biden and Mayorkas’ CBP One “concierge service” to facilitate mass illegal immigration, The Gateway Pundit reported.
During her hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Noem promised to “make sure that our nation is a nation with borders” and that she will enforce consequences against Biden’s criminal aliens.
“425,000 plus people have criminal convictions, that are here illegally in this country, that our current administration is doing nothing to round them up and get them out of our country. We will be doing that immediately, and that will be the priority,” she said. more
This guy typifies the average D.C. worker. Larry Elder said something about the D.C. population of workers/voters; that they’re 99% Democrat, and rabid about their party and voting them in. His arrogance is absolutely breath-taking. And stupid?! But, see, he’s so assured of never getting caught at telling all because up until now he never did get caught. I guess he’s on “leave” now, huh?
…and this is why — after many, many of them are fired — Trump should relocate many of these departments outside D.C. and put them in red states. Because they’ll just fill up with D.C. replacements.
The DHS should be abolished. It is the lair of the Deep State creature.
Hey Brandon. Nobody voted for your dumb ass and you don’t set policy. There’s a couple million out there just like this idiot that really don’t realize how powerless they are. It’s high time they find out.
And yes, get this circus moved out of D.C.
I visited Arlington, VA right before the election. The biden posters and bumper stickers were everywhere!
I can imagine the sound of screams in DC and the suburbs on November 7 morning as all these libtards turned on the news or checked their social media…
I suspect the screaming is continuous now as President Trump aggressively pushes out his agenda.
Shut it down. Shove the whole department straight up Bush’s asshole.
Moron doesn’t even know how a septic tank works!
your ****** asses are out, bitches. try making it in the real world.
Brandon has determined that he would rather frame houses in North Dakota in the winter….It also proves that a young man will say anything when the possibility of sex with a beautiful women shuts down the good flow to the wrong head….I’d like to see him bunking some #80 pound bales for a summer….
worthless bastard. fire, prosecute if possible.
I worked on a dairy farm in the late 70s. That puss wouldn’t last a day.
Textbook “malicious compliance”. As long as you don’t lift the rock, these maggots and grubs scuttle and slither as they please. PDT & Co. are not only lifting the rocks, they’re hurling them into the Potomac. And it’s only just begun.
All of these squealing leftist stuck pigs out in the streets, threatening violence on those who expose, and all of the leftist journos doxxing those who turn the rocks over, had better think twice. Merrick Garlick is gone.
@ AbigailAdams MONDAY, 3 FEBRUARY 2025, 19:18 AT 7:18 PM
Relocating them to “red states” may have some value to it, but if you look at places like Austin TX it isn’t a silver bullet. Government attracts riff raft like shit attracts flys.
Boise Idaho is another outstanding example
Move them to Ketchum Idaho. And any where in Kansas. Or North Dakota. Bottom line, split the little faggots up.
LOL. They don’t make them like they used to do they pal. Brandon will eventually go on disability. Move into a studio apartment and watch gay porn all day long.
Notice that it’s almost always the fucking faggots doing this shit?
Enjoy losing your job Brandon, you turdpunching scumbag.
The swamp was saying this when Reagan was President.