James O’Keefe sues Hawaii – IOTW Report

James O’Keefe sues Hawaii

James O’Keefe sues Hawaii for First Amendment violations over ban on public photography in Lahaina.

PM: The O’Keefe Media Group filed a lawsuit this week against Hawaii’s Democrat Governor Josh Green and the County of Maui after being told he could not take photographs or video on public land during a trip to investigate the aftermath of the devastating fires that burned the area to the ground.

In hidden camera footage taken during the investigation, law enforcement officers in the devastated area told OMG journalists that due to the governor’s emergency order in response to the fires, they were prohibited from taking pictures or video on public land and even threatened founder James O’Keefe with arrest if he refused to cease recording. more

9 Comments on James O’Keefe sues Hawaii

  1. Whatever happened to all the missing people? Seems this might be of interest to the “news” people. Can you imagine if this happened under Trump. They’d be screaming 24/7 “where are the babies?”

  2. I still don’t understand….while standing on public land, taking pictures/videos of a public event, that happened on public land……and TPTB are telling you “no”, and going to arrest you? WTF?!
    I’m with Uncle Al on this one.

  3. The election was rigged, Covid was cooked and something very fishy is going on here.They lie, deny and deceive the people like it’s second nature. Numbers mean nothing at this point because there is no credibility behind them. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they intend to build a Chinese military base there!


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