James O’Keefe: We’re going after the media next – IOTW Report

James O’Keefe: We’re going after the media next


Members of the media have another thing coming if they thought criticism would ease up now that campaign season is over, undercover journalist James O’Keefe confirmed Thursday.

“We’re just getting started, I’m telling you,” O’Keefe promised at the DeploraBall held at the National Press Club Thursday evening.

“Everyone’s saying, who are you going after next?” O’Keefe continued. “I’m going to tell you. I’ll make it public. I’m going after the media next.”

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10 Comments on James O’Keefe: We’re going after the media next

  1. Which means he’s probably already got an MSM sting or two in progress, or in the can. This declaration should have set off warning bells in the halls of the MSM. They should be reviewing recent hires and enhancing security. But they won’t do any of that, because they are clueless, arrogant and corrupt to the core. Happy hunting, James.

  2. I will relish the outing and exploitation of these pompous, ‘holier-than-thou purveyors of Fake News[tm]. Let no stone go uncovered. Out these @$$holes for the stinking hypocrites they are.

  3. I’d love to have congress looked at. I’m tired of reading that they haven’t paid taxes due. I’d love to see how much money they skim off bills as bribes. It’s one of my biggest dreams: AUDIT CONGRESS.

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