James Woods: I’ve ‘Accepted the Fact That I’m Blacklisted’ in Hollywood – IOTW Report

James Woods: I’ve ‘Accepted the Fact That I’m Blacklisted’ in Hollywood


Veteran actor James Woods revealed the naked truth about Republicans in Hollywood and their fear of being blacklisted and losing work over their political beliefs.

In a series of tweets, Woods says he wasn’t always a conservative thinker and was actually a Democrat “until [Bill] #Clinton was impeached. Every single #Democrat without exception stood behind a convicted perjurer. That was the end.”

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11 Comments on James Woods: I’ve ‘Accepted the Fact That I’m Blacklisted’ in Hollywood

  1. Some of the most outspoken anti-smoking advocates are those who used to smoke.

    I think the same can be said about Woods. He once was a Democrat but saw the light, now on the warpath.

  2. My D’Souza quote of the day:

    “Of all the virtues, courage is the most important” because take honesty, for example. Honesty is also a virtue, but without courage one cannot speak the truth in an environment that punishes you for your honesty. For that it takes courage.


    This relationship is utterly broken. The left is a terrorist organization, and the best thing to do is separate from them. In fact, we separate now as we speak.

    It’s dysfunctional. I’m WAY ahead of the curve here, and always have been.

  4. The tolerance is staggering. These people might tell us they are for free speech, but when it comes right down to it here’s the proof that they are the first ones to suppress it! Now they are exerting pressure on people’s revenue streams thru Pay-Pal. The main reason I don’t have Pay-Pal is because it is one of the payment avenues preferred by scammers. If somebody doesn’t want to take one of my three credit cards I don’t need it. Now I have yet one more reason not to have Pay-Pal!

  5. Pretty sure “blacklisted” is a dog whistle loaded racist code word…. for… something.

    C’mon, 5 bucks says I can get the professional race baiters to get offended over it.

  6. Any conservative on facebook, twitter etc is also marginalized. Nobody that doesn’t toe the leftist line is a target. The masters of the universe demand strict obedience to their drivel.

  7. Constantly surprised by who sees the conservative light, even though they work in Hollyweird. Good to hear Mr. Woods is financially comfortable, but it would be great to see him in a current movie.

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