Jamie Glazov goes to Facebook jail for a counter-jihad article – IOTW Report

Jamie Glazov goes to Facebook jail for a counter-jihad article


Jamie Glazov Suspended from Facebook over ‘9 Steps to Best Counter Jihad’ Article.

Canadian columnist and host of the Glazov Gang, Jamie Glazov, was suspended from Facebook on September 11 — a day dedicated to remembering the 9/11 terrorist attacks — after he posted an article he wrote about how to counter Jihad.

Jamie Glazov a Canadian columnist and host of the Glazov Gang, was suspended from Facebook for 30 days on September 11, after posting an article titled “9 Steps to Best Counter Jihad.” Glazov posted a screenshot of the article link in which Facebook claims it broke the platform’s community standards.

Glazov commented to Breitbart News, saying: ““First I was banned for reporting a member of the Religion of Peace threatening me. Now I am banned, on 9/11 mind you, for daring to give suggestions on how we can stop another 9/11. It is against Facebook’s ‘community standards’ to try to stop Jihadist attacks on Americans. This is really getting surreal in the creepiest and most harrowing Stalinist sense.”  more here

5 Comments on Jamie Glazov goes to Facebook jail for a counter-jihad article

  1. Too bad politicians needing votes more than instead of funding the immigration laws enacted by Saint Teddy in 1984. Since than 10 million, only 10 million (right) have invaded the US. Math is hard. When in pre-Obama years 80% of the US polled said they opposed felony illegal trespassing (enough of this Illegal immigration definition) and what did the senate leadership do? Said that’s not a fact, vote for me and I’ll set you free in the US. Back to the math is hard thing. At that time 80% said knock it off. But the idiots you voted for spending your tax dollars said it only 10 Million (for the past 30 + years), deal with it! Humm, 62 Million by the numbers since 1984. Idiot voters, deal with it, WE DON’t CARE. Math is hard.

  2. When yer life revolves around Social Media this whole practice of Group-Think is nothing less than mind control.
    Beam me up Scottie. I need to be outta here before I hear:
    “Resistance is Futile. You will be assimilated”

  3. I’ve posted this link to FB with the header, “17 years ago a lot of Americans suddenly became aware that there is a problem, how can we make sure that we are not surprised again…”

    We’ll see how FB responds

    MSG Grumpy


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