Jan 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson Called Secessionist Nation Of Islam Program ‘Absolutely Important.’ – IOTW Report

Jan 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson Called Secessionist Nation Of Islam Program ‘Absolutely Important.’

National Pulse: Rep. Bennie Thompson – chairman of the Congressional January 6th Commission – praised a program sponsored by a separatist Nation of Islam faction as “absolutely important,” The National Pulse can reveal.

Thompson, who has also supported the extremist secessionist group the Republic of New Afrika (RNA), joined the New Nation of Islam’s (NNOI) radio program in April 2014.

Ahead of Thompson’s hour-long long discussion with the “Son of Man,” the leader of the NNOI, he praised the radio program as “absolutely important”: more here

9 Comments on Jan 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson Called Secessionist Nation Of Islam Program ‘Absolutely Important.’

  1. How in the hell are these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS getting a national voice? Have the citizens of this country lost our fucking minds? We’re all concerned about standing up for our country because of what we fear will be the response from a government that can’t wait to put the hammer down, but pretty soon it’s going to be to late. If we haven’t already passed the tipping point it’s coming up pretty damn soon!

  2. quote from the article … “WE WANT our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of our own – either on this continent or elsewhere.”

    I say we take ’em up on it & send them all to the newly established ‘People of Color’s Republic of New Little American of Antarctica’ … the forementioned ‘elsewhere’.

    step up! line up! line up! get on the boat to your new self-established ‘paradise’ … we’re all sure you’ll have the best Utopia the human race has ever seen up & running in no time!
    step up! … we’re all back here w/ your Hispanic replacements, rootin’ for ya!

    buh bye!

  3. “How in the hell are these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS getting a national voice?”

    THAT’S the entire point of the propagandization of the National “News” media.
    Oppress the truth, disseminate corruption and lies.
    Divide and Conquer.

    And 21st Century America is falling for the same old bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Cf. Haiti, Angola, Rwanda, Somolia, et.al., for fuller information on how close to Wakanda ACTUAL “all-Black” nations get in real life once they kill all their White people and White racism is no longer physically available to blame…


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