Jan. 6 panel gets caught spreading a whopper worthy of Russia collusion, Biden laptop – IOTW Report

Jan. 6 panel gets caught spreading a whopper worthy of Russia collusion, Biden laptop

JTN: The Donald Trump era has brought countless examples in which Democrats, bureaucrats, and the establishment news media wove a sensational tale that turned out to be false.

There’s the Russia collusion caper that wasn’t, the 51 security experts who wrongly claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was misinformation, the Ukraine quid-pro-quo call that had neither a quid nor a quo, and the Moscow bounties on U.S. troops’ heads that never happened.

Now the Jan. 6 panel — led in part by the Russian collusion advocate Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. — has been called on the carpet for falsely suggesting a GOP lawmaker ran a reconnaissance mission inside the Capitol for Jan. 6 protesters the day before the riot.

Ironically, the man who blew that whistle is the new Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, who got his job on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s watch but handed Republicans vindication on an allegation they long claimed was a smear. more

8 Comments on Jan. 6 panel gets caught spreading a whopper worthy of Russia collusion, Biden laptop

  1. That asshole Schiff has not been held accountable for the numerous lies he’s told in the past. Why should now be any different? He gets rewarded for being a serial lying dunderfuck. He’s not gonna change now.

  2. Democrat: Start with a man or a woman, add bigotry and racism, then take away reason, accountability, honesty, consistency, integrity, character and any sense of proportion.


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