Jan Morgan Declares Senate Run Against ‘Establishment Shill’ John Boozman In Arkansas – IOTW Report

Jan Morgan Declares Senate Run Against ‘Establishment Shill’ John Boozman In Arkansas

National File:

Jan Morgan, an independent journalist, Fox Business contributor, and firearms instructor has announced an insurgent campaign for U.S. Senate against Sen. John Boozman, who she described as a “RINO”.

Morgan has previously teased a possible run for either Governor or U.S. Senate in Arkansas, and today officially announced her candidacy for U.S. Senate with a four minute video posted to social media.

“I’ve personally trained over 40,000 men and women in every state in America in personal self defense,” Morgan began, “But for decades, I was an award winning investigative TV journalist, specializing in exposing waste, fraud, and abuse in government. I was that journalist who exposed Eric Holder and Obama’s Justice Department and the criminal investigation division of the IRS when they were conducting unconstitutional, paramilitary, gestapo style raids on conservative owned businesses across America. I stepped into a ring other reporters were afraid to enter, and fought for those patriotic Americans.” read more


13 Comments on Jan Morgan Declares Senate Run Against ‘Establishment Shill’ John Boozman In Arkansas

  1. Damn!
    If I was a Demonrat I’d cross the frontier and vote for her six or seven times!
    But as an American I only vote once each election – and I’m not allowed to vote in Arkansas.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m serious. If y’all find a good candidate, email, text, gab, parler whatever, at all the Trump people. Especially the women for Trump groups, in Jan’s case.

    It looks better if supporters notify the Trump people rather than the candidate him/herself.

  3. We better start vetting our local Sheriffs really hard also. They are our last legal line of defense against the feds. I’m fortunate to live in a county that votes red and the republican Sheriff runs unopposed yet I don’t know where he stands on federal issues. I need to find out.


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