Jane Fonda Apologizes For Sitting On Gun During Vietnam Stunt – IOTW Report

Jane Fonda Apologizes For Sitting On Gun During Vietnam Stunt

DC: Actress Jane Fonda offered an apology to Vietnam veterans and their families during a Television Critics Association panel discussion on her upcoming HBO documentary “Jane Fonda in Five Acts.” She said that she was sorry for being “thoughtless enough to sit down on that gun.”

The gun Fonda referenced was an anti-aircraft gun — one that was likely used against American aircraft during the Vietnam War — and she was photographed sitting on it while talking with the North Vietnamese in 1972, before the end of the war.

Fonda said that she still does not regret visiting North Vietnam — a trip she undertook after speaking to several disillusioned American soldiers in France. She explained, “I didn’t like it that there were men in France that knew better than I did. The coin shifted. I said, ‘I feel betrayed by this country’s leadership. We’ve been lied to, and I want to do anything I can to expose that.’”  more

38 Comments on Jane Fonda Apologizes For Sitting On Gun During Vietnam Stunt

  1. A little late now you traitorous whore. Just do us all a favor and expire of the venereal disease of your choice.
    PS: Take that communist asshat ex husband Jerry Brown with you.

  2. Knockin on Heaven’s Door perhaps?

    Like Most Criminals , Whose turn it is to face the Judge before

    sentencing….Suddenly find Jesus……Too Little…Too Late

    FDR in Hell…Prepare McCain’s Room with an extra Twin Bed…Make

    it one of those Japanese Models.

  3. “Fonda said that she still does not regret visiting North Vietnam — a trip she undertook after speaking to several disillusioned American soldiers in France. ”

    Would one of those “disillusioned soldiers”, by any chance, be John Fucking Kerry, Vietnam veteran?

  4. Until the last Vietnam veteran is dead there is very little chance of Hanoi Jane being forgiven for her traitorous actions in the early 70’s. I know we’re supposed to forgive and forget what she did, I may be able to be forgive her but not forget what she did to aid and abet the NVA and the cause of communism. My late father in law, a Korean War vet hated her guts for what she did even more than I do. Jane I really do hope you’ve turned your life around and made peace with God but that doesn’t mean I will ever like what you did to myself and all my fellow Vietnam vets and veterans of WW2 and Korea. What you did was inexcusable. Oh and by the way all your movies suck!

  5. I lost too many classmates in Viet Nam, and I’m still losing friends due to Agent Orange. DH was on an aircraft carrier loading it on the bombers. I despise her as much as I do Obama. I will never accept her apology, she can Go Die In A Fire!

    May the Trump curse visit her and her brother soon!

  6. You forgive the penitent for Christ sakes Aardvark. It’s false Christianity to do otherwise. Go and sin no more. Jane fucking Fonda is still a murdering communist in her heart and damn you to hell if you forgive that.

  7. Jane felt betrayed?

    Every Vietnam Veteran and most of the country were betrayed by Fonda, Kerry and those traitors like them.

    Forgive and forget? Uh, no.
    They all have American Blood on their hands, there is no forgiving that……
    Note: Benedict Arnold, Aldrich Ames, Tokyo Rose, Aaron Burr, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, Nidal Malik Hasan, John Walker, Jr., Bergdahl, Jane Fonda and half of Obama’s administration.

  8. When she dies, they will not announce where she is buried . EVERY military veteran from 1970-1976 will travel to her grave and piss on it . I will . There will be no grass living on it .

  9. I got something for her to back-up to and sit on

    (c’mon get your minds of the gutter)

    It’s dark green, plastic, and says “this side towards enemy”. It also says ‘Claymore’.

    Sit on that you worthless human being.

  10. Retired SAC and other vets,
    Never forgive, never forget. There are plenty of post-‘Nam vets (myself included), who will grab a case of beer on our way out the door as soon as Hanoi Jane’s death and burial place are announced.

  11. If Jane had stuck to acting instead of getting involved with politics, we’d all remember her fondly (Fonda-ly?) today as that hot babe from Barbarella
    instead of a despicable collaborator. But Hollywood types never learn, do they?

    Oh well…

  12. There’s only ONE reason she’s apologizing right now, at this specific point in American history.

    She, and many like her are about to be rounded-up and charged with treason for past crimes.

    Don’t doubt me just yet.


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