‘Jane Roe’ of Roe v. Wade Abortion Decision Dies in Texas Facility – IOTW Report

‘Jane Roe’ of Roe v. Wade Abortion Decision Dies in Texas Facility


BreitbartTX: HOUSTON, Texas — A Texas woman who was the “Jane Roe” in the 1973 abortion case of Roe v. Wade died in a Katy assisted living facility on Saturday.

Although Norma McCorvey, her real name, became famous for the part she played in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision, she became a born-again Christian and spoke out against abortion.

“Texas Right to Life was honored to work alongside Ms. McCorvey for years,” Elizabeth Graham of Texas Right to Life told Breitbart Texas. “Jim and I were so blessed to work with her during the last decades of her life on pro-life causes.”

Graham added, “Much later, she realized she was just a pawn in the system.”

Graham said it was important to note that McCorvey never had an abortion, saying she “choose life instead.”

“We are saddened to hear of Norma’s passing, yet we are eternally grateful for her courageous pro-life witness that she fully embraced,” said Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz. “I had the honor of interacting with her over the years and I know she can now rest safely in the arms of our Lord.”

13 Comments on ‘Jane Roe’ of Roe v. Wade Abortion Decision Dies in Texas Facility

  1. Wow.
    Thanks MJA, I didn’t fully know the story behind this, my fault. I just knew I was against abortion after quickly recovering from being a college stupid liberal. Somehow my radar told me that the liberal sass wipes that populated my “college” we’re completely wrong on this issue. Thank goodness I married the right man! There feminazis, eat it!

  2. I met Norma McCorvey while I was rescuing with Operation Rescue in San Diego in Aug. 1996. At first I was very skeptical of her at first but then upon hearing her story about how she had been saved miraculously by of all things treated like a normal person by the pro lifers from Operation Rescue who just happened to be located nearby where she was living and would talk to her on occasion and then she had an epiphany when she walked by a playground full of empty swings with no children swinging on them and realized there were no children playing because they all had been aborted. God took her miserable, crummy life away after that and allowed her to be used for good against the evil of abortion after the pro aborts had used her in the Roe v Wade case. If she hadn’t been the they used it would’ve someone else and by the way she never had that abortion, she had a daughter. The whole thing was a damned lie concocted by the Supreme Court and especially Harry Blackmun to allow for unrestricted abortion on demand. God speed Norma, you’re in a better place now and I’m glad that I got to meet if even only for a short while to and rescue inside an abortion clinic in La Mesa, a suburb of San Diego which was the scariest thing I ever did but at the same time I have never felt the presence of God in such a strong way as that morning we were inside the clinic and threatened with being arrested. They let us all go (100-200 of us from all over the country) with our mug shots taken and being fingerprinted. I did receive a fine which was taken care of and you know what I’d do it again if I have to.

  3. I had the unpleasant misfortune of learning that my first wife had an abortion in San Francisco when we were young. The year was 1973 and abortion had just become legal. She used the excuse of wanting to visit her sister who lived in Benicia, California. I never suspected she would do something like that. She denied it and still does but the evidence of it was undeniable and conclusive. I’ve always wondered about my lost child and what he/she would have become. I will never understand how some people can think abortion is alright.

  4. I’m sorry for your loss, HB.

    Only 3 of my 4 are here for that same reason. Similar story.

    I feel your pain.

    The men are definitely affected by it. That’s also our child you killed for your convenience.

    Someone’s missing.

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