Janet Napolitano Interfered with State Audit – IOTW Report

Janet Napolitano Interfered with State Audit

American Lookout: Corrupt Democrat, Janet Napolitano, was absolutely blasted at the California legislature for her alleged actions of plotting against a state audit and running a smear campaign to prevent the uncovering of hidden cash.

Breitbart reported:

California State Auditor Elaine Howle kicked off the extraordinary five-hour joint session of the California Senate and Assembly with the assertion that the UC Office of the President interfered with her work by intercepting audit surveys sent to campus leaders, and requesting respondents to change answers to reflect more positively on management before they were returned.

 The hearing was called after Howle’s office issued a 167-page audit that bluntly stated the UC president’s office had “Failed to Disclose Tens of Millions in Surplus Funds, and Its Budget Practices Are Misleading.” Auditors alleged that Napolitano, who previously served as Secretary of Homeland Security under President Barack Obama, raised tuitions while her office was hiding $175 million.  

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17 Comments on Janet Napolitano Interfered with State Audit

  1. Just one of dozens of corrupt calif politicians who should be jailed but will live a life of luxury and adoration. Someday they will name parks and buildings after her, after removing the names of real patriots.

  2. Corrupt Demonrat?
    Whodda thunk it?
    Knock me over widda feddah!

    Course, in California, the relevant question is: Whose cereal did she piss in?
    (cuz they’re all a bunch of corrupt Demonrats)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The auditor should check six. Don’t start your car or walk through a park in Sacramento no one from the Clinton crime family allows this intrusion into their inner sanctum

  4. Nothing will happen to her on this planet.
    She will be facing Judgement from Jehovah.
    And forget the stealing and lying. She has a lot of innocent children’s blood on her hands.

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