Janet Yellen: We Need $78 Trillion to Fight Climate Change – IOTW Report

Janet Yellen: We Need $78 Trillion to Fight Climate Change

Daily Fetched:

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced that the price tag for transitioning to a low-carbon economy to fight climate change is $78 trillion.

Yes, you read that right.

According to Yellen, there needs to be e $3 trillion in annual financing to achieve the goal of net-zero global carbon emissions.

Yellen says this is now a “top priority” for the Biden administration.

Yellen said the Biden administration will begin financing green initiatives in developing countries through multilateral development banks and develop “clean energy technologies.”

During her speech in Brazil, Yellen said that “the transition will require no less than $3 trillion in new capital from many sources each year between now and 2050.” more

33 Comments on Janet Yellen: We Need $78 Trillion to Fight Climate Change

    2024-07-30 1030 AM Eastern

    Dick Durbin Opening Statement Question About The DNC Protection

    He said they have doubled the Secret Service from $1.5 Billion to over $3 Billion Dollars Per FISCAL YEAR.


    3 Billion for 1 YEAR.

    Also, in other SWAMP NEWS


    1036 AM O.U.T.

  2. 1. Melon head said 3 trillion a year for 25 years. 3 trillion THIS year won’t buy shit in 25 years. Those years would require 30 trillion a year.

    2.She called it “the greatest economic opportunity of the 21st century. Sort of like his mechanic informing him, “Hey, Brad, your transmission is toast and a new one is going to cost you $15,000. ”

    Brad: “Great. This represents the greatest economic opportunity of the year!!”

    Not picking on Brad, just maiing a point about how stuped Mellon head is. She is running things? Oh My!

    Brad: “

  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannd in 2050 when most Americans are homeless and roasting rats over a 50 gallon drum fire taking another shot of Prestone they’ll be asking about why climate change didn’t change…. the government will be telling us “we didn’t get enough money to do the job!”

    Climate change… funny how they’ve dropped the “Man made” part, huh?
    This is outright, flat-out ROBBERY disguised as jingling “Climate” change!

  4. Not only does she look like Bernie in drag – now she sounds like him – “The gummint only needs 400 Trillion dollars of your money to give you everything you WANT!”

  5. Janet (Old) Yeller: That’s only $9,000 per person. But it doesn’t matter, we own your wallets, investments, and bank accounts. So just shut up and sit down.

  6. What has the little troll Yellen been smoking… peyote? Must have gotten her supply from Fauxahonas Warren. Another hallucination-induced Democrat climate change scam.

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