January 6 Updates for today – IOTW Report

January 6 Updates for today

American Thinker: Here are updates related to January 6 broken down into various categories, presented in the following order: Rally updates, GOP objections to the votes, Peter Navarro statement, Mike Pence statement, the progressive angle, and a Trump request related to Georgia.

Rally updates

Sundance, at The Conservative Treehouse, has been posting daily updates which I’ve excerpted and summarized below. For those already in D.C. or en route, please click the link for pertinent information, warnings, and tips on a variety of topics. Additional information can be found herehereherehere, and here. 30-second video: here.

The January 6th rally in Washington DC is shaping up to be the largest ever assembly in Washington DC history. From what can be ascertained from social media and grassroots communication to CTH, millions are inbound, and the scale is growing exponentially.

more here

6 Comments on January 6 Updates for today

  1. It’s all one big theater act.

    Notice that a week ago it was like pulling teeth to get a republican in congress and senate to object. A couple of congressmen and no senators. Hawley said he was ‘thinking’ about it.

    So what changed?

    I’ll tell you what changed. Pence made it be known that he wouldn’t do anything but count the votes given to him and Gohmert’s lawsuit went nowhere.

    So now the republican legislators are coming out of the woodwork to object,
    BECAUSE IT DOESN’T MEAN SHIT NOW, AND IT WON’T CHANGE ANYTHING. It takes both houses voting that the election was fraudulent and that will never happen. The house will never do it.
    But when there was a sliver of hope that Pence would do his duty and throw out fraudulent votes, the legislators wouldn’t be caught dead claiming the election was rigged, which would give cover for Pence to deny the fraudulent votes.

    In other words, now that Pence has made it clear that he’s a chickenshit traitor and won’t object to the electors, the legislators are happy to come out and make a completely meaningless gesture of objection to the election.

    It’s theater. They know that they are in the clear to pretend they are unhappy about the election and it won’t mean sht.

    As i’ve said a hundred times on here, the republican party is not going to save us from anything at all. Nothing.

  2. millions descending on DC will not mean jack shit if they are not all armed to the teeth, willing to pull those traitors from their ivory towers, and then hang them ALL in the streets live on the TEE-VEE.

    Traitors equals:
    3-letter agency dwellers
    bureaucracy workers
    ANY government employee/contractor
    PantiFa/BLM/anti-americans of ALL flavors
    illegal aliens

    time to clean out the rabble and begin anew because it is the only “right” we have left that will fix this mess and it MUST begin at the federal level and that way it spread across the country taking out all those on the list where ever they can be found at the state and city level.

    Since this will NEVER happen get ready to continue living on your knees, mask firmly in place, while new diktats, permanent lockdowns, and now thanks to NY leading the way, medical internments camps being codified into law for all those that do not comply.


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