Japan: 19 killed and dozens wounded in stabbing – IOTW Report

Japan: 19 killed and dozens wounded in stabbing

Guardian: At least 19 people have been killed and 20 others injured after a man armed with a knife attacked a facility for disabled people in the town of Sagamihara, outside Tokyo, according to local news agencies.


13 Comments on Japan: 19 killed and dozens wounded in stabbing

  1. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  2. This is very sad, very sad indeed. The Japanese don’t usually have mass murders like this, it must be such a shock to them. I pray for the victims. [and I pray that they don’t get too frightened and start passing a bunch of weird bans on knifes or something.]

    I highly doubt it was a Muslim attack, considering the fact that Japan refuses to let any Muslims into their country and [correct me if I’m wrong] I believe they actively discourage all Islamic beliefs.

  3. At the end of the article: “mass killing are relatively rare in Japan, which has extremely strict gun control laws.” Leave it to the leftist press to get an anti-gun message in a story about a mass murder by knife. Obviously, anti-gun laws are no deterrent to a mass murderer.

  4. at first, I thought it would be a story about the Yakuza not getting their protection money. “You have nice prace here. You wouldn’t anything bad to happen to it, would ya?”

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