Japan absolutely refuses to take in muslim refugees – IOTW Report

Japan absolutely refuses to take in muslim refugees

“I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants”

– Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Story @ JewsNews

11 Comments on Japan absolutely refuses to take in muslim refugees

  1. Hi Boyd.

    Having lived there for 14 years, I can tell you that it is possible to become a naturalized citizen, but it is very, very difficult (and it also involves changing the spelling of your name).

    I agree with you though. For all that society’s faults, they’ve decided to sit out this round of immigration seppuku.

    I often think the GOP candidates should emphasize to those here on the low end of the income spectrum just what will happen to them with the endless surge of low low-priced labor coming in. This, of course, aside from, oh, waking up dead one day in San Bernadino.

  2. Thumbs up on your last paragraph. I’ve argued that point to Hispanics in my town very successfully by pointing out the next wave will be taking, “jobs Mexicans won’t do.” They had best get on the right side of this immigration thing if they don’t want to end up back on the streets where they started from.

  3. Gaijin will always be gaijin…

    I think the birth rates of many 1st world countries are way down.

    I’ve always wondered if this “open door policy” towards Latin America is partly a ploy to increase our population numbers without discouraging abortion or encouraging straight sex/marriage and larger families.

    Think about it –

    “Gee, we’re not having a sustainable birth rate, the country is going to die. What can we do?”

    “Have larger families? More families?”

    “Oh, how about discouraging the rampant abortion?”

    “Well, we don’t like any of that kind of stuff, that isn’t PC or Progressive.”

    “I know, let’s let in a lot of those beaners, they screw like rabbits and tend to vote democrat!”

    “Ok! Let’s do that!”

  4. Us too!

    1) Secure our borders.

    2) Come up with an effective counterterrorism plan.

    3) Fix the economy so that immigrants are not taking jobs away from American citizens.


  5. Stop welfare and regulatory insanity and immigration will stop.

    For 2 reasons:
    the illegal alien invading rat-people will have less incentive to come
    the 94 million under/un employed will have the opportunity to find work and they will refuse to allow the illegal alien invading rat-people in to take their jobs

    As for the falling birthrate and the need to fund socialism, jettison socialism and the population will contract to a normal, functional level. But we should eschew perversion and abortion, not just as moral issues, but as populational issues, as well. Malthus was wrong, and the socialists should quit worshipping his twisted notions.

  6. Going slightly off topic, one of the absolutely worst things I encountered while living there were the ex-pats who were convinced that they were there to teach Japan how to be more enlightened. Seriously, SJWs in another country.

    The screeching PC scolds here are bad enough, but the level of obliviousness and condescension of some westerners telling Japanese people they need to be more diverse in Japan is simply astounding. Prime Minister Abe is right on this.

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