Japan suspends funding to UNRWA – IOTW Report

Japan suspends funding to UNRWA

over alleged staff ties to Oct. 7 Hamas attack

12 Comments on Japan suspends funding to UNRWA

  1. I can’t be arsed to look at all the UN boondoggles. Are there any that actually do some kind of objectively recognizable good? Is there even ONE that does more good than harm?

  2. Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.

    So said the John Birch Society. I agree with them 100%. They knew it long before most of the rest of us knew it. But it’s not too late.

    I don’t care where the UN HQ goes. Actually, Antartica, which belongs to nobody would be the best place, until we can send the whole Kit and Kaboodle to the moon, Alice. The “dippy-lo-mats” can rant and scream all they want down there and nobody will hear them. A 40 story igloo should house them all.

  3. I’ve despised the United Nations my entire life. I’m serious. Even as a kid I recognized it as not in America’s interest to have anything to do with it. I can’t remember if my aversion to it was based on any principle or if it was just some innate sense. Either way, after six decades I haven’t found one damnable thing about it to suggest that it serves any virtuous purpose whatsoever. Actually the opportunity is true, everything they do is an abomination. Their words are hollow and worthless as those of an establishment Republican campaigning at the State Fair.

  4. One-Worlders, Nihilistic Totalitarians, Communists, Nazis, and other assorted maggots swoon over the UN.

    Kurt Waldheim, anyone?
    Kofi Annan?
    Boutros Boutros-Ghali?

    The UN is the forward operating base for the plunder and destruction of the US and Western civilization.

    Kind of odd that the Japs can see the UNRWA for what it is but we can’t.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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